Anonymous ID: a39736 March 15, 2019, 8:41 p.m. No.5714763   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4786 >>4835 >>4925 >>4955 >>4986 >>5287

What a day, FRENS!


imo they waited too long to try to take down 8ch and get to the Q movement. During the slow walk of this past 16 months, they believed that keeping Q in a contained location was safer than letting it out to 'infect' the rest of the internet, and they believed they could push and control the 'crazy conspiracy theory' story. They weren't even sure for a long long time that Q was anything but a Larp. That's why they sent such terrible shills, they didn't send their best, that's for sure.

What's more, they were stupid and lazy and relied on the old trick of letting media run the narrative instead of doing anything tangible. At the same time they pushed their agendas up faster…pumping out socialism and insanities and killing birthed babies, and making illegals into voters, and letting AOC and Ilhan talk. Why did they put all that focus on pushing up their agendas, while they waited too long to do anything about Q?

Because Q was such a subtle and frog-boil plot they didn't recognize its true effectiveness..and danger to them… till more recently. When did they notice? -just- long enough ago to make a 200 page manifesto. No time (or impossible) to create an FF in the US, where MI is watching EVERYTHING.


They fucked up with us so bad, SO BAD, that now they have to KILL to try to take down Q. In such an over the top obvious way that its almost unbelievable how dumb ass dumb they are, and think WE are.


What a ride today. What fucking Class A ride

Anonymous ID: a39736 March 15, 2019, 8:53 p.m. No.5714934   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4966 >>4973 >>4981 >>5010 >>5059


AFLB (AntiFungalLeafBread) is a mole, who created havoc all over the first board. Wrecked breads- ('SORRY GUISE i didn't mean to-give me another chance"), banned people without cause, created general mayhem, and opened doorways for shills. He was the reason Q had to leave the first board, by taking away Q's tripcode.

Did the very same shit here without letting on he was the same AFLB who wrecked the first board for a long time, and BO banned him.

He's here all the time but disarmed.


A canadian tranny, and since tranny, pretty sure that's CIA. look it up-the CIA went on a binge of tranny hiring, and is behind the tranny push

You can see his weakass efforts and BO's ferreting him out, on the clown/bot/shill discussion thread

Anonymous ID: a39736 March 15, 2019, 9:23 p.m. No.5715390   🗄️.is 🔗kun




The cabal hides behind masons like it does Joos, and has infiltrated them (beginning with Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Illuminati in 1766). The masons are not synonymous with Illuminati. Weishaupt infiltrated Masonry and used his position in the Masons to recruit for the Illuminati. Still the M.O. for today.

The Illuminati grew to a great underground spy network.

Run out of Bavaria for sedition, Weishaupt fled to his second in command (Duke Ernst of Sax-Coburg-Gotha) for sanctuary and the Illuminati went further underground…and guess who's uncle Ernst was? Prince Albert, Queen Victoria's husband.