Ebot Ebot Ebot , fro all you anon's posting about Ebot ….I watched 3 vids on jewtube about a week ago and then I got back on 8chan ….This fucking cyborg posted all 3 vids that I just got done watching ….This thing know everything …It scared the hell out of me BUT , Heck , I wonder what cyborg taste like , is it human or AI …My guess is AI
No I only watch them on Jewtube
I like Pussy to Bitch !!
ebot heres lur post . 1+1=3 Pu22y
Why you never answer back …1+1=3
Hey Cyborg Bitch 1+1=3
I sea tofu lur sun chen soon
AI lust is i figs your
Sorry for wasting dough anon's I just had to ask cyborg some question and all he know how to do is repeat shit he learned on the net ….I will not do this again , 1+1=3