Nobody is classifying anyting on the Q team because Q is just an Internet troll. There is no Q team . He's not with the government. He is a nobody. You guys are just building and building on this fantasy whatever comes to your head. If you strip away all the stuff that you people just made up or pulled out of your asses all you would be left with is some guy that told you 2 years ago on a shitposting Chan board that Hillary Clinton was being arrested and that podesta was being arrested. You people build this whole story around it. None of these things has ever posted as come true. He told you that disinformation is necessary to keep you hanging on when none of his shit came true or came to anything or made sense. Wake up.
He posts bit of rubbish and random garbage and you people make up a story around it. None of this is real. Wow I should have been a con artist I could have been a millionaire if I knew people like you were this plentiful.