Anonymous ID: acd516 March 16, 2019, 7:24 a.m. No.5719644   🗄️.is 🔗kun


BEING a = Human Being

BELONGING? = Who "Owns"/"Possesses" (You)?

→ The Conundrum. ←

The eternally existing Holy Creator of Mankind is Real.

The [Satanically influenced], with partial control, emphasis on partial = [Evil World System] is Real.

Holiness, Righteousness & Goodness are Real.

Wickedness, Evil & Depravity are also Very Real.


→ (Text Legend) - () = sheep, repentant/good. [] = goats, haughty/evil

The (anon) who has withdrawn his/her, mental, emotional & to some degree physical, assent(agreement & participation) from this [Satanic World System] finds, in essence, the "Road less Traveled".

Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress"…becomes a poignant reminder of the daily struggle. The [Vanity Fair] is Very Real.

In a combination of: "Pilgrim's progress", St Peter's words & the plot from "The Matrix"; The (saint-anon), lives life here as an alien & stranger (In Reverent Fear). Ever struggling against ["The Satanic Earthly-Matrix"] that surrounds him/her. Pressing-on, like (The Pilgrim) through the [Gaslit Construct] of the > ["Satanic Vanity Fair World"] > that hates him/her for = (NOT) Belonging to [it]; or > ([Belonging-To], participating-in & assenting-to) > its [Evil Persuasions/Temptations, Lies & Perversions].

  • (Emphasis added & license taken - Expository purposes)

The Creator & Sustainer of all anons said to His disciples: John15:18…

"If [the world] hates (you), keep in mind, it hated (me) first. If (you) BELONGED to [the world] [it] would love (you) as [its] own. As it is, (you) do not BELONG to [the world], but (I) have chosen (you) out of [the world]. THAT is WHY [the "Satanic-world-system] hates (you). Remember the words (I) spoke to (you): No (servant) is greater than (his) (master). If (((they))) persecuted (Me), (((they))) will persecute (you) also. (((They))) will treat (you) this way because of (My Name), for (((they)) do not (KNOW = *thru believing, confident-trust in (Me)) the (One) who sent (Me).


(He) said to (his) unbelieving brothers who challenged (him) to become a popular public figure to gather fame from [the world]: John 7:6b…

"…for you any time is right. [The world] cannot hate you, but [it] hates (Me) because (I) testify that what [it] does is [EVIL].


(To those "asleep" & delusionally-gaslit by their own form of [DS]-[false-teacher masters] of the time) He said: John 8:42…

"If God were [your] (Father), [you] would love (me), for (I) have come from God and now (am) here. (I) have not come on (my) own; but (He) sent (Me). Why is (my) language not clear to [you]? Because you are unable to hear(sound familiar?) what (I) say. [You] [BELONG] to [your] [father], [the devil], and [you] want to carry out [your] [father's] desire. [He] was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is NO truth in [him]. When [he] lies, [he] speaks [his] native language, for [he] is a liar and [the father] of lies.

(Sounding vaguely familiar?)

Referring to what was to come after describing our modern age: Matt 24:9…

"Then (you) will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and (you) will be hated by [all nations] → [controlled by the gaslit-trance of evil] because of (Me). Because of the increase of [wickedness], the love of [most] will grow cold, but [he] who stands firm to the end will be saved."




  • Headed Where?