Anonymous ID: 8fabdc March 16, 2019, 8:27 a.m. No.5720336   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0375 >>0425 >>0626 >>0649 >>0772

Some things that stick out to me… just thinking it through… For the record, I think the attack was actual live ammo, not blanks, not actors… real dead people, real blood, etc… but something is VERY wrong with the way this went down…




Anyone have audio from shooter streaming video from timestamp 3:07 to 3:38 ??? Audio faded out while gunman sat in car preparing - then faded back in for attack.


Was it comms with command and control?


Who would have edited the video prior to streaming?


Did a bluetooth link get interrupted when he took helmet off to look at camera?


Are these 30 seconds key to understanding motive or organization involvement?


Was the audio "scrubbed" by "man in the middle" control room - the live feed being edited prior to transmit thru Facebook? If so, where was it fed thru? Who was man in middle? Was consumer-available technology to transmit to a control room instead of live stream direct to Facebook? WAS FACEBOOK THE CONTROL ROOM?


Why did the copyrighted music not trigger FACEBOOK copyright infringement triggers and stop the feed?




Some stating that shoot was a pro - his travel takes him to the kinds of places that professional contractors or spooks get into some shit, etc… I agree… but one thing he says sticks out… After the first (?) attack (green carpet mosque) he comments how things didn't go exactly as planned… says "During the firefight…" – but there was clearly no firefight - the only resistance he encountered was the one guy who rushed him at the inside door.


That guy was fleeing or attempting to disarm shooter. If there was two or three other men rushing at the shooter at same time, they may have had a good chance.


Would a professionally trained/experienced shooter call this a "firefight" when talking to themselves about it later? Unsure.


Is he calm/cool/collected because of self-training? Because of mental disorder? Drugs?


He gets physically winded running around, but manages to keep himself calm enough to handle the weapon malfunction, over come the guy rushing him, drive, shoot and drive, navigate, etc…


He seems professional to em, except that comment… I think a real pro would not call it a firefight, at least not where his buddies could hear that and call him out. It's minor, admittedly - but this sticks out to me as wrong.




We've got video of a mosque with green carpet (attack video), and another mosque with beige carpet (video of aftermath of attack).


Some people count up to (4) shooters between both scenes.


How many have been captured/killed? One?


Why push "lone gunman" narrative every single time, instead of admitting the attacks were carried out by a team of people? Easier to scare the fuck out of everybody that one person did all this? Scarier that way?


Also, no deep digging into who else was involved - much easier to white wash story so public doesn't wake up to the size of organization involved?


Public is conditioned to accept the lone wolf - he had too many rights, he did this alone, he was captured and killed so we can relax again - BUT we need to change how many rights everyone else has so this never happens again.


Public would be more fearful that organized groups pull these things off, that we capture/kill a patsy or fall guy, but the organized group still exists and we can not relax…




Green carpet mosque shooter did everything he could to produce meme ready soundbites, quotes, pre-attack "announcements", choice of music, decorating every part of his weapons, etc…

