>After The New Zealand Terror Attack, Here’s Why 8chan Won’t Be Wiped From The Web
What to do about 8chan then? Patrick Pugh is physical security analyst at Flashpoint, which analyses sites like 8chan where extremist material appears. Freedom of speech laws prevent government intervention, but easily accessible platforms aren’t as restricted, Pugh says. They can therefore help drive extremists underground by removing their content and depriving them of technologically reliable hosting platforms.
“While this may make it harder for investigators to discover, it will also make it harder for folks susceptible to radicalization to find,” Pugh told Forbes. “Discussion of ‘traitors,’ ‘invaders,’ and needing to do something ‘in real life,’ or ‘IRL,’ are the watchwords for investigators trying to find a particular needle, not in a haystack, but in a stack of needles," he added.
NZ FF was designed to attack on 8ch and hence QAnon Movement.