Anonymous ID: cb2add March 16, 2019, 9:32 a.m. No.5721079   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1644

The media once hid Democrat craziness; now it trumpets it


Back in the 1960s and 1970s, the media did its best to normalize Democrat craziness; today, though, the media trumpets Democrat craziness. That’s scary.


I was a child in the 1960s and a teen in the 1970s. Every morning, along with my parents, I read the San Francisco Chronicle while we ate breakfast. Every evening at dinner we all watched Walter Cronkite. I remember the nightly sense of satisfaction as Cronkite signed off with “And that’s the way it is.”


In the 1980s, after Cronkite’s retirement, we switched to Peter Jennings. My Mom had a crush on him; he was, after all, smoothly good-looking with a Canadian savoir-faire that appealed to my European parents. In the 1980s too my parents discovered Ted Koppel — “he’s so smart and, you know, he’s Jewish.” And through it all, they always read the Chronicle. By the 1980s, I was out of the house, but I still remember the prominent role played in our lives by what we now call the “mainstream” or “drive-by” media.


Here’s the thing about the media in those days: We believed it. We believed it implicitly. Walter Cronkite said “that’s the way it is” and we knew with certainty that this was true: Whatever he just told us was indeed the way it was. Cronkite was, after all, “the most trusted man in America.”

Anonymous ID: cb2add March 16, 2019, 9:34 a.m. No.5721116   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1136 >>1153 >>1175

Dangerous malware discovered that could bring down the power grid


Two cyber security companies have come forward with new information regarding the cause of the December 2016 cyber attack that cut power in Ukraine and temporarily left thousands of people without access to electricity. According to the two firms, ESET and Dragos Inc., a sophisticated piece of malware known as Crash Override or Industroyer was likely responsible for the Ukraine blackout and could potentially be used again to take down vulnerable power grids around the world.


According to Dragos founder Robert M. Lee, the Industroyer malware has the ability to cause blackouts for up to a few days at a time in specific regions of a country, but it isn’t strong enough to bring down the entire grid at once. In a recent interview, Lee advised government authorities and power companies on how they can defend themselves against the threat that Industroyer poses. Even though the malicious software is capable of attacking power operators all across Europe, Lee said that it could be used against the United States “with small modifications.”

Anonymous ID: cb2add March 16, 2019, 9:38 a.m. No.5721168   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rush Limbaugh: Was New Zealand Shooter a Leftist Trying to Smear Conservatives?… “The Left Is This Insane”


Rush Limbaugh commented on Friday that the New Zealand killer may have been a far-left nut who committed his murders to frame conservatives!

Anonymous ID: cb2add March 16, 2019, 9:42 a.m. No.5721211   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1342



>According to Dragos founder Robert M. Lee, the Industroyer malware has the ability to cause blackouts for up to a few days at a time in specific regions


Widespread Power Outage Continues in Venezuela Amid Political Crisis


>According to Dragos founder Robert M. Lee, the Industroyer malware has the ability to cause blackouts for up to a few days at a time in specific regions

Anonymous ID: cb2add March 16, 2019, 9:46 a.m. No.5721264   🗄️.is 🔗kun

CRISPR Scientists Call For Global Moratorium On Heritable Gene Editing


There are non-Technocrats who see that science must be used responsibly., but once Pandora’s Box has been opened, it is impossible to shut. Rogue scientists will continue to ignore the warnings. ⁃ TN Editor


Some of the biggest names in gene editing want to stop anyone from playing around with cells that pass on changes to the next generation.


After the first International Summit on Human Gene Editing in December 2015, a statement was released. The organizers were unanimous in agreeing that the creation of genetically modified children was “irresponsible” unless we knew for sure it was safe.


Well, a fat lot of good that did. As MIT Technology Review revealed in November last year, Chinese scientist He Jiankui edited embryos to create two genetically engineered babies. Other groups are now actively looking to use the technology to enhance humans.


This has prompted some of the biggest names in gene editing (some of whom signed the 2015 statement) to call for a global moratorium on all human germline editing—editing sperm or egg cells so that the changes are hereditary

Anonymous ID: cb2add March 16, 2019, 9:52 a.m. No.5721335   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1444

Germany Prepares to Auction Its 5G Frequencies


An auction of Germany's 5G transmission frequencies is poised to earn the state billions and finally put the country on the digital map. But big network providers are making a fuss about certain rules and regulations – not to mention all the American fearmongering about the Chinese.

Anonymous ID: cb2add March 16, 2019, 9:55 a.m. No.5721375   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1425

Christian Living In A Muslim County '143 Times More Likely' to Be Killed By A Muslim Than Vice Versa


Paleoconservative writer Srdja Trifkovic criticized media coverage of the New Zealand Christchurch shooting on Friday and noted the massive disparity with how Christians are treated living in majority Muslim countries versus how Muslims are treated in majority Christian countries.


7-9 January 2015: Charlie Hebdo attacks kill 22 people.

26 June 2015: In Saint-Quentin-Fallavier, a Muslim decapitated a Frenchman and rammed a van into cylinders at a gas factory trying to start an explosion.

13-14 November 2015: The horrendous Paris attacks killed 137 people in the single deadliest terrorist outrage in French history

13 June 2016: At Magnanville, a policeman and his wife were murdered by a jihadist.

14 July 2016: A truck was driven into crowds celebrating Bastille Day in Nice. The driver, Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, killed 86 people.

26 July 2016: In Normandy two jihadists attacked a church during mass, killing an 86-year-old priest.

1 October 2017: A Muslim stabbed to death two young women at a Marseille train station. Before he was shot dead he shouted Allahu Akbar.

23 March 2018: A Muslim stole a car in Carcassonne, killing the passenger, went to Trèbes, attacked a supermarket, killed three people and injured several others.

12 May 2018: A Chechen-born “Frenchman” stabbed to death one pedestrian and injured several others near the Garnier Opera in Paris.

11 December 2018: In Strasbourg a gunman opened fire just outside the Christmas Market, killing 5 and injuring 11.

Anonymous ID: cb2add March 16, 2019, 9:59 a.m. No.5721421   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The EU Is Steadily Moving Towards Creation Of 1984-Style Ministry Of Truth


The European Parliament this week passed a recommendation calling Russia “the main source of disinformation in Europe” and appealed for increased funding for the EU’s East StratCom Task Force, which already received 1.1 million euros in 2018.


The East StratCom Task Force defines itself as a EU body focused on so-called proactive communication of EU policies and activities in the Eastern neighborhood (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) and beyond (Russia and further).

Anonymous ID: cb2add March 16, 2019, 10:03 a.m. No.5721479   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1570

Sweden: Serious Crimes Committed by Returned ISIS Fighters


According to a new investigation, one in three returned Islamic State fighters in Sweden have committed serious crimes after coming back from the Middle East.


The investigation, which looked into the activities of 41 Islamic State members who had returned from Syria and Iraq, found that all of those sentences or suspected of crimes, 13 people in total, were men, Swedish broadcaster SVT reports.


The crimes that the men have been either suspected or of convicted of have included serious offences such as the case of a 31-year-old man who was filmed by his neighbours attacking another man with a pair of scissors last July and is now looking at attempted murder charges.