The media once hid Democrat craziness; now it trumpets it
Back in the 1960s and 1970s, the media did its best to normalize Democrat craziness; today, though, the media trumpets Democrat craziness. That’s scary.
I was a child in the 1960s and a teen in the 1970s. Every morning, along with my parents, I read the San Francisco Chronicle while we ate breakfast. Every evening at dinner we all watched Walter Cronkite. I remember the nightly sense of satisfaction as Cronkite signed off with “And that’s the way it is.”
In the 1980s, after Cronkite’s retirement, we switched to Peter Jennings. My Mom had a crush on him; he was, after all, smoothly good-looking with a Canadian savoir-faire that appealed to my European parents. In the 1980s too my parents discovered Ted Koppel — “he’s so smart and, you know, he’s Jewish.” And through it all, they always read the Chronicle. By the 1980s, I was out of the house, but I still remember the prominent role played in our lives by what we now call the “mainstream” or “drive-by” media.
Here’s the thing about the media in those days: We believed it. We believed it implicitly. Walter Cronkite said “that’s the way it is” and we knew with certainty that this was true: Whatever he just told us was indeed the way it was. Cronkite was, after all, “the most trusted man in America.”