Anonymous ID: 05966a March 16, 2019, 11 a.m. No.5722229   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2349

I'm pissed about this blood on the table.

I know the Cabal would put blood on the table whether we shone LIGHT on the DARK or not. But this one really hurts, because they invoked our names.

POTUS, Q, those in the military, and positions such as these have to deal with this constantly. We as anons, are for the most part the working class/deplorables (i assume…), and not accustomed to having blood spilled in our names. But this is the first specific 8chan shoutout on mass murder I can remember since Q started here. It sucks. It does nothing to weaken my resolve. It's the death of innocents I hate. And i understand it was not just 8chan in the sights. They used this to insight religious war, censorship of Candace and Pewdiepie, and insurrection against POTUS as well.

Just venting and shitposting but, God, I hate those fuckers.