Anonymous ID: 3e7324 March 16, 2019, 10:50 a.m. No.5722100   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What up fam… Needed some fodder for writing practice and I found it in of all places the microsoft page for enrolling in internet explorer beta. Win 10 has been such a blatant nightmare to my sensies ever since beta back 2015. By an order of magnitude worse the Win ME /2000 (whichever was really the crappy one).

Microsoft has made it a top priority this year for me to find linux distro for daily that I can migrate into to get far far away from windows. Between that and the fact I need to get into essay writing groove quickly resulted in below. I know it's bitchy, and sounds like beto brroding but exercise essay this for dissertation work rest of day on technically jargon-filled acedmic matters.


>I would eliminate the tendency for firms to model platforms as walled-gardens that bottleneck interaction into walled-gardens overseen by traditional centralized firms, and reinforced with push notification technology, and awareness of user location based on device proximity to other devices. The net used to represent possibility frontiers, and challenges to old orders with new possbilities for structure, interaction and configuration. The effort put into finding things that satiated a person's interest were great often omnidirectional, but satisfaction from enjoying those fruits of search were proportional to the effort and often as unique as the individual. Now, all firms playing heavy in sectors related to common service provision (to the mass public), have succeeded at inverting what potential and hope the internet represented in relation to man and social systems. The internet as is presented ,for interaction with man and society, is soul-crushing for those of us that remember the web as a platform for free speech and discovery of the novel and unique. At best, firms and service providers offering web services have put restrictions on the free flow of ideas, but also ensured stability of current systems and institutions,– for better or worse–, by way of successfully onboarding people to the idea that web-related channels and mediums are to meet consumer-driven demand. Since that was prexisting status quo, status quo will not see punctuated equilibrium from this domain and that is disappointing to me. It is additionally disappointing that push notification delivery systems mean no relief from overexposure, and no pleasure from successful search actvity. Finally it is all the more woe that these firms, successful at reinforcing consumer model of social behavior on the web, are also innovating new ways to collect, store, mine and monetize.