Anonymous ID: 93cbb3 March 16, 2019, 12:04 p.m. No.5723001   🗄️.is 🔗kun


By and large I fully agree.

There was nothing in what I said that advocated for a monoculture. A monoculture is impossible; all human traits exist on a bell curve with some at the extremes and most toward the middle region, whether that trait is intelligence, pattern recognition, kindness, humility, love, devotion, patriotism, hatred, evil, compassion, determination, or whatever. Every trait exhibits this kind of spectrum.

We've all been working together as one hive mind for a long time here. The beauty is that no one here assigns roles or tells others what they ought to do. Anons self-select for what they are interested in or able to do. So the impact of all the various strengths is maximized.