Blacksheep anon here
People who know how web applications work know how much FB fucked up. If
you are doing something shady, one of two things have to be done: 1) loyal dum
dums are doing it manually so they can plea the fifth and you have no code to lead
back to you. 2) whatever code you do have shufling data you shouldn't have to
people who shouldn't have it, make sure it is super modular. Make sure it is just some
api that talks to the database, and is not integrated into the actual app that people
download, or into the backend talking directly to the client. This way you can say
this code is protected by national security outlined in your contract with C_A. This
will buy you a lot of time, and because it is modular, you can more easily get rid of it.
For how long was FB down? Mark not the genius people made him out to be.