So then,
with respect to say, Harmon Wilfred and their recent videos with Ortel and Jason, the reveal from mid 1990's , CF, clowns, Trusts, Secret Bank, coupons and instruments (hiden trusts and people), When will their 10+ boxes of claimed evidence be engaged?
It is understood the narrative has to be metered out so that the wider masses truly get to understand it……what happens next? Reveal of the secret bank and instruments?
With respect to Bill of RIGHTS. The centuries old MAGNACARTA laid out what? centuries later came constitutions, embedded monarchies and alleged Bill of RIGHTS. What does need to be made clear is, with IBOR, what jurisdiction does that effectively cover and HOW , because, as many know, the long standing current claimed BOR (example, Assange, KDC,Wilfred et al, in , say, monarchy countries has been trampled. The mechanism of IBOR to be refused to be treated that way needs to be plainly put.