Where does Gov get its Power?
What is a 'Petition'?
Can Gov have more Power than its Creator?
Where does Gov get its Power?
What is a 'Petition'?
Can Gov have more Power than its Creator?
Does pres Gov have Power?
Q - Truth to power.
Does Gov have Truth?
If no truth then no Power - non?
why no jst Pray to the true Power and ask it be sorted - God Given - who has Power to take away?
its my Fathers birthday today. He passed back in 2006. miss him
no sure God wuld b 2 chuffed at me beggin to some artificial corrupt entity
the Ops r levl multi - Spirit also
No Deals
God given rights will be upheld - thats it
initially - transition phase
this anon cannot sign any petition
a living being is not subject to rules/codes of a fictional entity
Fake constructs will be obliterated
transition will be rqd - interim measures
please consider my cmnts anon and God Bless to ALL for their Wonderful efforts here
800 i saw smwhr
Order is better thn Demand (euk) (de anythin is bad)
howe is regina?
i apologise to anons for my outburst last night - info o/load n brain ready to xplode
i recall char
i.e space is a premium - concise wording reqd
thot i had - not sure if of valu - sep doc with definitions? as long as mentioned in doc - they need to refer definitions ?
use as Learnign exercise tooooooo
definitions doc - with 'oor' definitions (((they))) cannot chnge
any anon have crrnt status of US Inc?
bnkrpt - ?
recal smthin Pope removal o debt?
shall serve as a reminder of -guarantees
mod >every American by God through the etc etc
mod >#WeThePeople - definition reqd
modall personal communication traffic be treated as private by ALL entities Public and Private. Violators MUST be punished in accord with Private Law.
citizens -NO! ROMAN!
exellent draft anon - hope u dont mins my sggstns
do not claim the rights given and then abuse the giver
why is encryption reqd?
who does it protect you from?
this world is going to change
(((they))) will play no part!
Contracts for Man should all be Private - no corp can move into Private
corporations and legal are ALL Public
if corporations are allowed at all - they MUST treat in the Public unless they infringe on Man's rights.they do - then TRUST hammers em!
TRUST LAW protects the corpus
should the present system continue?
so it can then be manipulated by (((them)))?
and they do exactly the same thing all over agn?
go to the root!
God is not mocked!
Jurisdiction - who has the POWER to take away the rights that GOD gave?
Who claims that power?
whomever claims that power will answer to God. Simple
perhaps the use of the wird 'usurped' within txt โฆ then define 'usurped' in definitions doc?
wood meeen we can expand within definitions doc at will
>(((Corporations are people, right? Our government is made up of people. These corps bought influence with money from other members of government, right? Therefore the government DID deprive us of our rights.)))
corps are fiction - color of law - we want nothin to do with fiction entities.
corps created by sleight of hand - corrupt
submit them to Private Trust Law - they fkd
corrupt corps wi more influence thn gov - why we get lobbyists and flks like Shillry
maybes we neeeed clarification frm abv on what was granted?
internet rights are fiction - jst like inet
Man has body - fictn is bits o papr
produce the internet as a witness - hmmmmmmmmmm
Corporatios are prob - so we move ALL to private trust law
I stood in a court and asked ACC (a council) to answer - a lawyr stood up - but not for long
ACC didnt appear!
magik - why they wear blk?
if u want to spend ur time on legal shit - feel free!
numbers tell
Who created Lawyers?
What is the B.A.R. Association?
Who runs the BAR Assoc.?
What color robes do they wear?
What is Public Law?
What is a code?
Who are subject to the code?
What is a Corporation?
Public or Private?
Who owns ALL Corporations???
What is a Register?
What is a Record?
What is the difference?
What is Government?
What power does it hold?
Can Government wield more power than the individual?
Can you give away something you do not have?
Can you kill people?
Can the Government kill people?
Why are Governments wielding power they do not have?
The people are asleep.
How do we wake them up?
Who gives the Government power to do what they do?
Should those who give power to Gov. beg for 'stuff'?
gn anon and GB
The Government cannot exist without the WILL of the people.
The poeple give it its power.
You cannot give away something you do not have!
Do living people not have will?
Is there such a thing as a 'Living Testament'?
legal can only deal with the dead!
conclusion - u wnt to be dead - agree wi anythin legal.
This anon and associates KNOW BETTER!
I KNOW Q would give support to this position!
if the message is corrupt - what outcome should we expect?
do not think for one moment that TPTB are looking for help from anywhere possibleโฆ they are DONE!
the SIGNS have already been given!
TRUTH is our biggest ally!
kno the feelin too wel anon - GB <3
Q asked we bld a map - it shows corrpt structr
it is asupported by corporate fiction!!!!!
remove the foundation - what happens?
All corporations abolished already - by Pope!!!
were they warned?
you think Pope wrote his Moto Proprio just cause he felt like it?
The battle for Earth is over!
Now we in clean up ops.
Bad actors still here - but ops in hand to rmove.
The people need to see how they were decieved - if they SEE it - they will become angry - we need a gradual change to prevent riots etc.
What rights did God grant?
Those are what anyone can claim - what Jurisdiction are they under?
How many 'forms' of law are there?
What is Jurisdiction?
Are there 'levels' of law?
What is a Statute?
Who does it apply to?
What is a Man?
Where does he live?
Does he have an address?
Does he have a 'title'?
Who confers 'Titles'?
Where do they get their POWER?
Who does the BAR assoc serve?
Where is the BAR based?
Who controls that place?
its the web that connects everything
legal jiggery pokery
wht u think they do wen the Real JUDICIARY show themselves?
timing is so important - ask Q!
sending loving energy to the cherubim - and heading for some sleep. God Bless this bread and ALL who partake of its Wonderful Goodness! Where we go one, we go ALL.
magikal bro <3
no homo lmao
great stuff anon!
keep it up!!!
GB <3
now bed - could not let the amazing effort go unacknowledged!
Oh - fired a few neurons! ty!!!!