The rise of the digital frontier has radically transformed human society in ways never imagined even a generation ago. The internet is now the main avenue for human communication and commerce. Websites such as YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter have become the public squares of the 21st century and Amazon and Alibaba have become our marketplace. These corporate institutions now wield tremendous power over activities vital to the functioning of society. This power must come with the responsibility of upholding the rights and principles that America was founded on. We the people call for an Internet Bill of Rights to safeguard our freedoms in the digital world against infringements by corporations and other private institutions
Such a bill of rights should:
Guarantee the freedom of speech, religion, the press, as well as the freedom of assembly upon any public online forum.
Guarantee the free flow of information by requiring algorithms and other filtering methods to be disclosed to the users of a forum. The user should be given control of what they are allowed to see.
Limit the ability of private institutions to track citizen’s online presence outside of their own domains.
Safeguard the private communications of citizens against data collection and data mining by private institutions offering these communication services.
Provide legal recourse to those whose natural rights are infringed upon by these private institutions.
here's something I wrote. Framed it as safeguarding the natural rights of the people vs. private institutions. hope some of it helps