Anonymous ID: 1fe2e2 March 16, 2019, 4:51 p.m. No.5726913   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6920 >>6996

This exactly why the left are so blind:


I texted my brother - a hardcore Dem - the Robert Francis O'Rourke poem enactment of "Wax My Ass."


He refused to watch it.


When the Trump tape came out before the election, I watched it. I wanted to know all sides so I could speak from a place of knowledge, rather than ignorance. The left will never know or even believe the horrors of HC BO NoName and on and on. They refuse to look, they refuse to listen. When coworkers knew nothing of the abortion laws/infanticide laws, it showed how blind they are to what their party is doing, but can go on ad infinitim about BLM yet not know why cops were cleared in many cases.


They will never look at our memes. Our memes are great for solidifying our base.


You need to fight it subliminally. A nice picture of Alex Cortez with subliminals embedded such as liar, puppet, corrupt, etc. Then post the lovely pic in comments of every tweet she makes so they stare at, see it as they scroll.


Comments welcome. If I had photoshop I'd do some. I may try in some other program.