You are on the wrong board.
I guess it’s about perspectives.
God created man with free will. In their convoluted way, they try to appear to respect that. It’s got an element of personal responsibility in there too. Like “this fucking infomercial salesman guy sold me a total piece of shit product. Totally packed me full of shit!”
Well, did he hold a gun to your head and force you to buy it? Is it his fault you bought it and don’t like it? He’s just selling something.
If you don’t like it, isnt it your fault for choosing to buy it? Don’t you have a responsibility of due diligence before you contract or deal? He told you but maybe you heard what you wanted to hear, didn’t pay close enough attention, didn’t read all the fine print etc.
Sounds like the same kind of minds who would string fishing line above a section of the city so they could make an enclosure and do stuff outdoors that their faith prohibits them from doing. Well, uh, technically, uh, we are adhering to the rules with some creative use of mental gymnastics.