Anonymous ID: 924484 March 16, 2019, 10:37 p.m. No.5731320   🗄️.is 🔗kun

When I dig too deep, get spooped.

When I don't dig, get behind.

Trying to keep up with fast Anons, smart cats.

I hear Night Shift is where it's at.

But Day Shift might say otherwise.

Both powerful and wise, both got sharp eyes.

Anons got strong ties.

From the suicidal to the lurker, never posting, simply watching.

Both sides watching.

GOOD and evil doing what it takes based on loyalty.

I can't be mad at the Normies, trapped by cnn.

I blame ds, trapped by sin.

All I know is work together.

Keep America great forever.

If America falls, the World falls.

If America BOOMs, the World BOOMs.

PRAY for Normies to become Newbies to become helpful Anons.

shills are wrong, stupid like ding dong.

If Q was fake, why would they be here?

Why would msm make us #2?

END games are the hardest, prepare.