Anonymous ID: a43dd5 March 16, 2019, 11:09 p.m. No.5731658   🗄️.is 🔗kun

32nd President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a 33rd degree Mason, Committee of 300 member, grandson of an opium smuggler, and nephew of Frederic Delano, an original Federal Reserve Boardman. FDR stayed in office for 12 years (19331945), choosing Skull and Bonesman Henry Stimson as Secretary of War for the last 5 years. Henry Stimson was also Secretary of War to his brother Bonesman President Taft from 19111913 during the build up to WWI.


With the aid of fellow Mason and C300 member, Britain’s Prime Minister Winston Churchill, these three secret society elites would help lead us into WWII.

“Roosevelt, an Illuminati bloodline wholly owned by the Council on Foreign Relations, set about provoking Japan into an attack with a number of measures, including the targeting of Japanese oil supplies … As a Congressional investigation heard in 1945, the messages indicating a decision to go to war with the United States and Britain, though not with Russia, were intercepted and decoded on December 3rd 1941 four days before Pearl Harbor. These messages subsequently went ‘missing’ from Navy files.


Other decoded messages gave Roosevelt prior warning of the attack, but the public were not told and nor were the sitting targets in Hawaii … In all, Roosevelt had information from eight different sources indicating a probable attack.' The historian Robert Stinnett revealed the results of 17 years of research into the Pearl Harbor conspiracy in his book, Day of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor His research included more than a million documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, which show that knowledge of the Japanese plans was kept from commanders in Hawaii the very same men who were later made scapegoats for what happened.”

David Icke, “Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center” (1612)