Anonymous ID: c2740f March 16, 2019, 10:26 p.m. No.5731194   🗄️.is 🔗kun


First verdict was a world news event! When the verdict was overturned, no one heard a peep… DSM was around in the 30's.


February, 1938.


Protocols Decision Washed Out

Press and Radio Silent on Appeal Finding


Great publicity was given throughout the world in 1935 to a decision in the Swiss Courts that the documents known as "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" were a forgery; that the judge had described the contents as "ridiculous nonsense"; and that the Protocols had been condemned as an offence against public morals.


Even in remote New Zealand numerous newspapers at that time published long articles on what they termed an "Historic Forgery"; and addresses were similarly given over the radio system proclaiming loudly that the Protocols had been shown to be baseless.


We are now at the end of February, 1938, but the writer can recall nothing in the daily papers, and he has heard nothing over the radio system, telling him that the Protocols verdict given on May 14, 1935, was reversed by the Berne Court of Appeal on November 1 last.


When the decision went one way it was news fit for all the world to hear: a subject for special articles and radio broadcasts. When it went the other way it ceased to be news at all.