Anonymous ID: e23bd6 March 16, 2019, 11:16 p.m. No.5731735   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New Zealand shooter, QAnon fans get their radicalization from the exact same place


According to initial reports, the accused Christchurch shooter had no link to QAnon, the supposed plot by Donald Trump to sweep up the deep state in military tribunals. And the 77-page manifesto that he uploaded to 8chan shortly before allegedly going on his killing spree makes no direct mention of QAnon.

But the anarchic image board, where QAnon drops are made, was also the likely source for the shooter’s radicalization. Its rapid-fire mix of memes, conspiracy theories, incomprehensible internet references, and racism are the same brew that QAnon is made of. So even though there’s no evidence that the shooter is a Q believer, the radical anti-immigrant rhetoric of the shooter matches up perfectly with the fascistic beliefs of QAnon.