1.). I need the link to nz shooting if anyone has it? The noteable about wsj 2015 facebook developing vr movies was misquoted, that is a 2019 article from Wired about how lifelike their “avatars are”. So that title at least for that noteable is wrong.
2.) I am trying to get that article yet from 2015, been exploring/digging virtual reality, 8k resolution, real time video manipulation, AI, Facebook & Building 8.
I honestly didnt realize they were trying to distort reality. They call it Augmented Reality, but what i remember from the shooter video, it reminds me of the videos i have been watching.
I am thinking this is the first time they have used VR/AR on us on this scale. Combined w AI, they could have filmed a scene, using GEO-location enhancement of the scene, can manipulate an output. Showing that over a social media site like they did could be a powerful tool for them to use against the masses. We would not know any different.
This is what I think, at least in part, what could have been used in NZ shooting. So much that doesnt add up. LIKE.. dude getting arrested, now he is in custody they blur his face. Obvious little bits like that.
I write this and even though it sounds unrealistic, this is the type of thing they are developing at F8 (Building 8).
Top camera manufacturers are all getting in on VR/AR tech. Combined w higher resolution gives them more resolutionto play with so they can make stuff more crisp, give them more frames to work w to skip, slow down, zoom in w/o loosing quality.. you name it.
All the social is getting in on it also. W being able to share on social media now, in real time.. I am looking for the engine that ties it all together. Maybe that would be the AI, or something else we dont know of that takes a person’s GPS and can output a scene w their own added reality (AR/VR) which they have, and would allow the LARP (NZ shooter) to go through this virtual “scenerio” all while streaming it on Facebook like it was really happening.
Everyone watching the stream is non-the-wiser, dude is basically playing a game and the engine in the back is enteracting w him as if it were real.
I think that is what we just witnessed. A “Project Blue Beam” of sorts, only to demonize 8chan, gain sympathy for mooselips, try to divide everyone like every other cookie cutter false flag has tried to do, oh yeah and ban firearms.
We know Broward County was there, Podesta was there, and a ton of other occurances that aren’t random.
This shit continually happens. The snuff videos streamed on facebook started w suicides, went to the black dude who walked up and killed a few people, killing the othwr nice black dude who was homeless IIRC and everyone loved. And has slowly turned into a sick reality show. Each time guns, people, ethnicities get fucked w over it all, not the platform that allowed it in the first place.
There is a ton of articles and cideos i watched so sauz is all over the place.
What you all think?