Anonymous ID: c93800 March 16, 2019, 11:27 p.m. No.5731860   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1880

Posting again for the countdown anons.


(Q post 2679)


T-whatever could be any amount of time. Q has never said what the "holds" are. I see a lot of anons just assuming these are counting down days.


It could be six months between T-3 and T-2 for all anyone knows. It all depends on what task is taking place and if anything goes wrong or any adjustments are needed.


On March 9 (3004) Q posted [-21]


We got a bunch of [-48] on March 4 (2962)(2963)(2965)(2966)


Another [-48] on March 5 (2972)


The last time Q mention a countdown was March 1 (2912) [-18]


I have no idea why Q is using the same format in various posts but Q has never posted that we're past T-18. Based on the link Q posted and NASAanons post, we're somewhere between T-18 & T-17,