historyfag here
It was this book that started redpilling me 20 years ago:
RAKOWSKY PROTOCOL (originally published in spanish as SINFONIA EN ROJO MAYOR in 1950).
>translation: http://antimatrix.org/Convert/Books/Red_Symphony_Landowsky/red_symphony.htm
Allegedly it is a protocol of the interrogation of the Bolshewik and high degree mason CHRISTIAN RAKOWSKY (a comrade of Trotzki). The origins of this book are similarly shadowy as those of the Protocols of the Elder of Zion.
The interrogating officer (GPU Gabriel G. Kuzmin) offers him a chance to avoid execution in a Stalin show trial.
Historical records support that: "Unlike most of his co-defendants, who were immediately executed, he was sentenced to twenty years of hard labor".
To the best of my knowledge the book was never translated to English. Especially in Germany the book was heavily stigmatized to be conspirational. (german Wikipedia has a reference which the english article has NOT: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Georgijewitsch_Rakowski )
Astonisingly, in the book Rakowsky refers to (((THEM))) in the same way Q does (as a global power structure).
(translation by me)
>"…that Hitler… by natural intuition and even against the technical opposition of Schacht, created a highly dangerous economics system. Being an illiterate in economics theorie and following solely necessity, Hitler switched off international and private finance.
This means he acquired the privilege TO MAKE MONEY, not only physical money but finance money as well." (sauce: https://archive.org/details/Landowsky-Josef-Rakowskij-Protokoll/page/n69 , page 55/56)
On Kuzmins question who THEY are:
>"The a unit the Bank Kuhn, Loeb & Co. in Wall Street; within this bank the families Schiff, Warburg, Loeb and Kahn;" … which are connected by marriage to other families as "Baruch, Frankfurter, Altschul, Cohen, Benjamin, Straus, Steinhardt, Blum, Rosenman, Lippman, Lehman, Dreyfus, Lamont, Rothschild, Lord, Mandel, Morgenthau, Ezechiel, Lasky".
sauce: https://archive.org/details/Landowsky-Josef-Rakowskij-Protokoll/page/n69 (page 71)
Further the book sheds a light on how THEY operate.
I suggest this to be highly recommended to read not only for historyfags.