They should have had a gift certificate so we can enter HOGG when we bought a NRA membership just so they could count it.
The Haitians I saw were much darker than the people in Dominican Republic, like black and brown. And they treated the Haitians pretty bad, like slaves.
Raising young voters program
Its all about QA, the products in China that have good usually American based QA produce great parts but you can't compare the crap rotors made in China compared to the great stuff in Brazil. Everybody wants to make money, they sell their souls for a few bucks. American products had better QA and we were the envy of the world, then Japan made us look like shit because we slacked off for a buck and those Japanese cars we laughed at, those cheap radios and toys, well they shoved that shit down our throat. Now Korea is doing the same, best cars, replaced Japs, now so much shit is put out, why did a big screen TV go from 10K to 300 bucks, why don't car prices go down, just more plastic shit that we can't keep running.
Where is their little hats and cymbals, aren't those monkeys supposed to have a little cup too while they dance to the highest bidder?
Ok Q Team, we need a trailer, if we could have 60 seconds of highlights, then we meme the fk out of for 30 days like they do for shitty movies (good movies don't need promos) we have people waiting like for the memo till they demand it!
Woman is ok, they just want us all gay or tranny so that we can't make more kids, then we lose.