Q posts: Who do you trust
It's been bugging me. Unable to answer, I flipped it and asked it another way:
Who do the normies trust?
To a brainwashed fault they place their trust in the MSM.
What if (going along with other posts by Q), there's some provision under which for reasons of national security all forms of communication (broadcast/cable/Twitter/radio) are legally mandated to give control over to say, the Department of Defense, and broadcast/televise an emergency transmission?
Q-team then releases said evidence of an uncovered plot to prevent post-election transition, and having failed in that effort, a conspiracy to topple the current government.
The evidence would be being heard/seen everywhere you go…homes, airports, bars, restaurants, workplaces etc. The last analogous large-scale, nationwide, round-the-clock coverage I can recall was during 9-11. It was the only story on the air, for days, if not longer.
From my vantage point it's going to take a shock to the system of that magnitude before those around me will begin to psychologically understand (and be able to process) they have been lied to and (peacefully) accept the arrests we feel are warranted.