That fucking faggot Roger Stone just missed a golden opportunity to mention Seth Rich's dad's statement that Seth released the wikileaks. Fuck I hate that fucker!
I do not envy the job you have ahead of you, good luck anon
90%+ of leaflets end up in drains, trees, roofs etc.
it'd be more useful to go to the post office and get
a bulk business mail permit.
has anyone gone to VOAT to make a thread about
the "publicly available" info Q alluded to?
Those people would pile it on I bet.
Wait, they're stealing organs with high melanin?
Something only the blacks have…
It gives them their power..
Black Panther is more woke than we thought!
Oh, it's an old chart I found. But I really think we
could tie in a few redpills to the Black Panther
movie by comparing the price of melanin to
vibranium stolen from wakanda