Would you believe it's the "WOLF will lay down with the lamb" now??
https:// wedg.millenniumweekend.org/forum/forum/wedg-forums/general-prophecy-related/47720-the-lion-will-lie-down-with-the-lamb-where-is-it
Would you believe it's the "WOLF will lay down with the lamb" now??
https:// wedg.millenniumweekend.org/forum/forum/wedg-forums/general-prophecy-related/47720-the-lion-will-lie-down-with-the-lamb-where-is-it
That's what I'm saying!!! WTF??
It IS "The LION will lay down with The Lamb."
But it's "Wolf" now. HOW??
God Bless You ANON.
If I had to bang HRC in order to save the Earth……??? I mean…We've lived good lives and most of us are going to Heaven right??