I'm going to repost this once because I think it is important.
Well said.
I do agree but at the same time, we need to find a way to open their eyes. We need to get them to unite with us. Q has asked us to, and it's the right thing to do.
Some are hopeless, and are using Trump as a target for their own short comings and frustrations. However we need to remember how many systems are working against them. Most notably the fake news. What would you think if you weren't wise enough to know the news was fake? With all the lies printed about POTUS every day.
I truly believe a lot of them are good people who are just doing what they think is right, based on wrong information.
>>573496 (You)
Also, think about the kids who have grown up in our horrible, indoctrinating schools. the message is all they have heard, their entire lives.
we have to make them wan to learn. they certainly have not been taught critical thinking.
It can be frustrating, but we must remind ourseleves that the whole fucking deck is stacked against them and under different circumstances we could easily have been them.
The Great Awakening is coming and we have an important role to play.
This isn't the time for "I told you so" and "your are stupid" (that's not directed at you anon). It's the time to be the bigger people, know matter how frustrating, and remind ourselves that we all generally want the same things.
Live a decent life.
Spend time with our families.