Anonymous ID: b48daa March 17, 2019, 11:33 a.m. No.5737366   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7502



"Moslems are Already Talking About Attacking White People as “Revenge” For the Mosque Shooting"


"How about they don’t invade countries if they don’t want to be killed?


They invade countries and then cry when the native population defends itself.


You can expect footage of the mosque shooting to be used in ISIS or whatever “extremist” recruitment videos. Moslems were already killing our people in terrorists attacks for no reason other than their desire to conquer our lands, and now they think they have another reason, so you can also expect their terrorist attacks to increase."


This is what we are fighting against. Completely delusional fucking subhuman scum who are criminal to the core.

keep your heads on a swivel and be carrying at all times. muzzies = hostiles.


For fuck's sake we know why people in the fed gov't said little. these fuckers need to be gone, but we also know that there are those trying to right the ship in the middle east.


this false flag is multipronged attack on us, but if the whole muzzy thing doesn't go unpunished/BTFO we are not going to succeed.

These fucking scum either have to be expelled/killed/imprisoned by world wide military/LE effort due to their complete hostiles, period.



Who the fuck is going to blame anyone for wanting these scum and their [[[controllers]]] be is jewry or clowns dead?



These fucking scum are enemies, period.

Anonymous ID: b48daa March 17, 2019, 11:42 a.m. No.5737478   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>4-6% will be accurate in whatever multiple meanings it has.


we've been hammering the point home to do basic math on this.

Domestic US pop.

now start with age, gender (most likely to be hostile/subverted/'irrecoverable'/purposefully subversive), and racial/religious background.

males from age 17-33 or so would be obvious starting point.

females at lower percentage but still also counted.

expand to cover future potentials growing up under that kind of environment, and add in portion of the precentages from older pop dedicated to aggressing against us.


hostile pop is likely around 7-9%.

Geographically congregated, trying to branch out but under watch. ALL. From the remotest corner of US to world wide.

I think with tug of war going on in terms of perception, the irrecoverably lost portion still remains at 4-6%.

Anonymous ID: b48daa March 17, 2019, 11:49 a.m. No.5737595   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7733 >>7783


jones is a useful idiot, and his purpose (because he believes it himself) is to drive people to behave in a panicked, jittery fashion of weakness rather than from calm, powerful position of strength with decisiveness and lethal force.

Anonymous ID: b48daa March 17, 2019, 11:54 a.m. No.5737643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7730


>A suspect confronted the court, two other under investigation; reports about another suspect who left for Israel faces the silence of authorities.



The fifth suspect of Christchurch shootings has defected to Israel