Anonymous ID: 215ee5 March 17, 2019, 2:48 p.m. No.5739583   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9636

>>5739260 (LB)

>Be careful what you wish for. Many who have made miss the original journey the most. Not where they got to.


So true anon.

My son was a wrestler for 12 years (played football mainly but wrestled in the winter for something to do). He was 'decent'…pretty much about .500 record every year. Until high school. It got pretty bad 1st and 2nd year. He wanted to quit. We urged him to continue, because he had come so far, and was now getting bigger and stronger.

He went on to his senior year with a winning season. Was the "comeback kid" at the school. The one the coaches rooted for the most. Because of his heart. And sheer determination. He went on to win or place at every tournament.

Then he made his ultimate goal come true. He won a spot to go to states.

He ended up losing right away at states, which was disappointing and sad, but the point was, he had reached his goal. With hard work, and true grit.

When it all ended, I made a video compliation of his wrestling career knowing it was OVER. I would never see him get on a mat again, as he was going to college to play football.


The point is, I learned then, that it wasn't the ending that was so powerful and wonderful, it was the JOURNEY that was SO HARD at times, that got him there. And being privileged enough to witness what an incredible young man he had grown into..

He won many awards, and has his picture on the wall of fame at the school. He was in the newspaper more times than I can count.

He was known as the kid that never gave up.


And when making that video, and reliving witnessing his fight, that I realized I should have enjoyed it more than I did. Even the hard parts.

I look at this journey in much the same way. It HAS been hard at times. Downright painful.

But beautiful at times as well.

Will it all be worth it? I certainly hope so. I do think so.


I'm so proud to have stood with you all, along this journey to reach our final destination, and that will be the WINNING we have longed for…..for so VERY long.


Love you all (no homo)

This video is for all of you.

Love WILL win.


Anonymous ID: 215ee5 March 17, 2019, 3:08 p.m. No.5739863   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9908 >>9984 >>0033


yes, yes, yes. Took me many years to understand that.

Giving me all the feelz right now…..especially because that son just left to go back to school after spring break. Always hard, but a must.

I watch him go knowing the values he lives that we taught him.


Just like Q has been teaching all of us, his willing students, if you will, who have wanted to WIN for once, and see an end to all of the evil madness.


Thank you anon.