Yeah, all I'm saying is we're all broken…and there is only one answer…God! I (as the world defines it) was an alcoholic…12 pack after work every day, case w/a 1/2 pint of Crown (downed first) on Friday evening and Saturday evening…back to a 12'er on Sunday…you know…to get ready for work! That was 28 years ago…but today, I couldn't even finish the single beer I had with dinner! Maybe it's like this: Maybe addiction is a lie, BUT, if you BELIEVE the lie, the impact of the lie is catastrophic! All I can give is my testimony…I used to be a violent guy that was labeled an alcoholic…I went full tilt on AA - one night I was sitting in a meeting and I heard God say: "Look around and tell me what you see", so I did and quietly replied, "Well God, there's a lot of people here" …but God pushed me further and gave me the same command again…and I took another look around and quietly answered: "Well God, there's a lot of people here, some are drinking and using and some are not"! To which God replied: "Yes! But all are still under the bondage of drinking and using"! This "just for today" stuff is bondage! God set me free from alcoholism, and will do the same for anybody else!