Here's the problem:
Judaism took an Egyptian Pharaoh Akhunatun and turned him into a Hebrew prophet - the Exodus did not happen, and certainly did not happen being led by a Hebrew being led by any god.
Christianity and Islam both utilize a central figure imbued with such titles as "mercy upon mankind".
Judaism and Islam are both based on the same false premise: they are uniquely in possession of the perfect word of god. Torah has 3-4 authors, Qur'an is was originally a Christian collection of Syriac strophic hymns. Neither are the word of god.
Define "projection". Do you know how the Muslims claim Jesus was not crucified, but he was switched at the last moment? They are psychologically switching the "mercy upon mankind" Jesus with their Muhammad. Both are idols, and never actually existed.
Humanity is still worshiping idols - Jesus and Muhammad are the two most destructive idols ever erected by man, and hundreds of millions are dead as a result of them.
Islam is presently a humanitarian crisis, Qur'an sanctions rape, Muhammad's "perfect pattern of conduct" involves sex with children, and your beloved Q that you people essentially worship, like the other idol worshipers, is keeping you all distracted away from the real problem: religion.
Quoting an English Bible is really all it takes to keep you people enslaved? Telling you this is all a battle of good vs. evil? You people don't realize you are slowly becoming radicalized in the same way ISIS is. Extremism and eating the forbidden fruits are the same thing: when you label something objectively "evil" and become polarized. It destroys: look at the hatred and divisiveness, racism (war against whites), antisemitism (Qur'an), psychological projection (Islam is 100% projection - it attempts to blame the other side for what it itself is doing) etc.
Islam is presently the humanitarian crisis, and nobody is allowed to criticize it because the Muslims are playing the same games as the Jews: label others as "anti" whatever they are. Islamophobia is projection: it is the Muslims (leaders) who have the phobia of (criticisms) of Islam but they paint everyone else as having it. See how projection works? It's a mental illness that is built into Islam - China was right to declare it such.
If you want your minds back, stop worshiping their fucking idols - they are all man-made. "Belief" is not a virtue, it is a vice. That is exactly how they enslave the Muslims/Christians (Jews) because the powerful "Jews" are all atheists and are playing both sides like pawns.
How Islam tries to protect Muhammad is precisely what idol worship is: it is pure idol worship - completely based on a sexually degenerated warlord (whose real name was not Muhammad).
If you people let them keep silencing you - especially Islam and Muhammad - you are all dead. I'm not kidding: Islam eventually collapses you into 3 states: convert, pay taxes (which the USA is basically paying most jizya supporting jihad) or have your head removed. That is what is invading the West thanks to your sexually degenerated Western leaders that "join" these pedophile cults. Justin Trudeau is one - political warlord just like the idol of Islam.
Done rant - just the surface, runs much deeper.