Anonymous ID: 7d3e29 March 17, 2019, 4:36 p.m. No.5741413   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1450

Anons, if you want to see and understand a BRUTAL trolling of the fake news media, keep reading.


To understand the new info and links, you'll need to grasp some background. I have been pushing the view that DJT has definitively ID'd Michael Anton as Q (or at least as the public face of Q), and that DJT will put out a meme showing Anton cooking, with the words "Let's Roll", and that this will be a cue to activate all Anons. My last comprehensive writeup of this is here. This is a summary with links supporting each subsection:

>>5568068 (pb)

I would write that somewhat differently now, and there might be mistakes (at least once I mistakenly call a drop a tweet), and there is now more evidence, but I don't plan to revise that now. Thanks to Anons who have contributed evidence. The two lines of objection that I've seen are: 1) that we should not dox Q. But if you fully read what I say, it becomes clear that DJT has provided the signal for Anons, at least, to ID Q. And 2) that the "I SEE a FROG" baker did not really have a frog or that the events of 9/11 did not really happen according to the official story. But even if these things are true, they DO NOT MATTER for the reasoning presented.


Here is a recap of some key dates in the Q rollout as I see it:


10 Feb 2019 : DJT retweets an image of a panther and cheetah lounging together:

This is POTUS and Q at rest and playing.


11 Feb 2019: Anton appears on Tucker to promote his book, while Trump's Q-proof heavy El Paso rally begins on the side. The "side by side" appearance is an established sort of Q proof, although this one only really gains meaning from the upcoming tweet.


14 Feb 2019: DJT tweets Anton's 17 word book title, and it turns out there is a clue on page 17 of the book that answers back.


This stuff is discussed in greater detail at the link.


The crucial thing to note right now are that the 11 Feb and 14 Feb moves were the crucial moves. But BOTH OF THESE HAVE NOW BEEN MIRRORED.


Let's begin by noting that on 17 Mar 2019 (today), DJT put out a three-part tweet culminating with a tweet urging that we "keep fighting for Tucker." (And he has another tweet attacking fake conservatives on Fox News.) If we look closely, we see that Anton has himself put out articles "fighting for Tucker" on both 11 Mar and 14 Mar 2019, each date having a one month delta with the two crucial dates in February.


11 Mar (1 month from 11 Feb side-by-side)


First, note that Anton mentions in the article itself that it is a preview to another piece on Tucker. (HINT: 14 Mar)


Second, note that Anton describes Tucker's 2 Jan 2019 monologue in a way that indirectly references his own "Flight 93" essay, calling the monologue "the most searing indictment against a failed ruling class since Thomas Paine's Common Sense". But the editor of the Claremont Review of Books, which first published the essay, said pretty much the same thing about it, and this fact was repeated in many publications. Anton's use of this phrase in describing Tucker is thus a sign that he is speaking in coded language, since many who know the essay will catch the reference.


Third and fourth, I'll simply note the two graphics provided. To the typical reader, it seems like Anton is just using rather lurid metaphors. But Anons from Qresearch may catch additional meaning.


But really this article is mainly a setup for the next. Since I need more images I'll continue in a comment.

Anonymous ID: 7d3e29 March 17, 2019, 4:38 p.m. No.5741450   🗄️.is 🔗kun


(continued from above)


14 Mar (1 month delta from DJT-Anton 17 tweet):

Anton has a second pro-Tucker article:

But it really attacks an anti-Tucker article from WaPo from 13 Mar:


The WaPo article is ostensibly a profile of an "independent researcher" who has proved crucial in "taking down" Tucker. But if you read it and the Anton article together, especially with full awareness that Anton is at the very least a central member of Q Team, it is BRUTAL.


But let's look at some of the internal signs.


Look at how Anton responds to the mention of the cats and dogs: Awww!

This recalls the 10 Feb 2019 retweet of the two dangerous cats looking playful. And note that DJT has a "soooo" in his 3-part 15 Mar tweet that matches the "soooo" in the retweet. They are now simply toying with the enemy before the final strike.


Now look at the link on the words "loosely educated" in Anton's article. The link takes us to a page of a seemingly random book on Google Books, Churchill: Walking with Destiny. That seems odd. Is it normal to provide a link for a seemingly random phrase? Is it normal to provide a link into the middle of a book, with no explanation? Of course not. It is just another multi-faceted stroke of genius from Q.


Let's step back. Anton is using the term "loosely educated" to describe the "researcher" who has spent "many Carlson-watching hours" and concludes that he is a "mouthpiece for white supremacy".


First, this strange "book reference" recalls the implicit reference to page 17 of Anton's book that DJT's 14 Feb tweet gives. Understanding THAT reference requires assembling a variegated set of background information and being able to read and interpret complex writing. WATCHING VIDEO won't cut it. Anton is MOCKING the incompetence of the fake news.


Second, read the passage. Churchill is using the phrase "loosely educated" to describe… HITLER! And he is describing how Hitler marched into a trap… in RUSSIA! HE FORGOT ABOUT WINTER! He is likening the fake news to the ultimate "WHITE SUPREMACIST" and saying they have marched headlong into a "Russia" trap, neglecting the real danger, only to FACE DESTRUCTION!


Third, if we read beyond "loosely educated", Anton gives a warning to all "innocent workers": ABANDON your post before the bombs hit.


If you read Anton's article with these points in mind, you perceive the contrast between this basement cat-lady watching many hours of Tucker videos, described as "the fingers or toes" of Goliath (in conjunction with the corporate media), ready to hit Tucker as David… the contrast between her… and us… a hidden online army, working in conjunction across all realms, ready and waiting to strike.


Get ready.