So the central banks,holding most of the world gold,would become that much more in control if we all started buying gold.
You are fucking retarded.
Work for a gold company? Or are you a central bank deep state fuck.
So the central banks,holding most of the world gold,would become that much more in control if we all started buying gold.
You are fucking retarded.
Work for a gold company? Or are you a central bank deep state fuck.
Anyone that pleads guilty has no recourss.
Even if they were set up.
Not a lawfag,but ask one.
Sure. Ok.
You going to start fucking kids now?
Alrighty then.
Do as they do. What a fucking moran.
When Q said gold ends the Fed. He never told you how that would happen. Did he.
Any rational person could see that the fed,owning shitpiles of gold,could only be ended if gold were worthless.
Nice talk. Bye bye felicia
Sorry. wrong anon
Lot of Noble gold salesman on tonight.
Jordan Sather wannabes
Then lets fight!
Sick of all the games.
Sick of cloak and dagger.
sick of being targeted.
Lets fight then Q