Q asks us whom we are taught to trust.
Sure, our parents, God, teachers and police all come to mind.
Doctors. When push comes to shove, the absolute trust we are taught to have is in doctors.
It has been that way since we live in the 'therapeutic state'. Science started as theoretical medicine, which is why physicists have the same name as physicians, and should follow the Hippocratic Oath. First, do no harm.
'Physics' was divided into Biology, Chemistry, and Physics at the dawn of the 19th century, in Germany.
Yes - physics was part of natural (physical) philosophy, and merged with natural history to form science. Whewell coined 'scientist' in the 1840s after the reorg.
So, to return to the research topic, I think either clergy or doctors are intended (we are taught to trust ourselves and our parents – but not by the current 'society'). I think doctors fits the sense of how are trained in fantasyland. Clergy will be a problem for people at some point two. Maybe both are intended.
I'm not sure anyone has commented on PASS and FAIL in the recent Q drops. Clearly 'no one gets a free PASS' suggests, in conjunction with try, try, try and the Yoda-like 'FAIL they will' – some sort of software. As a second and probably intended meaning.
Also, in relation to BRIDGE theories and infrastructure – any chance the Atlanta bridge collapse a while back is related to STEEL?