If you follow me you'd know.
Some anons in here follow me and know who I am… it was a hint for them. I didn't want to tag that specific graphic with my tag but it's obvious who made it from the formatting.
Here's another one I did.
If you follow me you'd know.
Some anons in here follow me and know who I am… it was a hint for them. I didn't want to tag that specific graphic with my tag but it's obvious who made it from the formatting.
Here's another one I did.
I grew up Independent Baptist. While I will say that it's one of the best choices for a church that's out there, especially at the time that I grew up. I also went to an Evangelical Free church for AWANA as well and got the top honors in that.
That being said, they are still a 501c3 church. They don't answer to a "higher authority" such as the Southern Baptists do, but they do require that their pastors go through "Seminary" as a general rule. In the church that I went to, we had a couple pastors that went to seminary that were good and then we hired a pastor who had dubious qualficiations. That pastor then came in and started making changes that the majority of the church didn't like. We needed 75% of the membership to kick the pastor out. We had 72% on the final vote. 72% of the church left the building that their ancestors built and all the money that their ancestors had put into a trust fund to start a entirely new church.
Things I don't like about Baptist churches, which can be applied to many churches in general, include the format. A group of people sitting and listening to a preacher yap for an hour. When do we ever see in the Bible that Jesus had his disciples sitting in circles listening to him yap for an hour? Yeah, he did some open air preaching, but that ain't the same as a "church" with "friends". The thing most applicable to our current style of "worship" is "The Last Supper". Look at what the Amish do. They don't have churches, but they certainly worship on a very regular basis in each other's homes. Also look at what the Chinese Church does… they are a powerful, mighty force for God and they have no churches, only each other's homes.
Also, many of them insist on the King James Version. Huh? Say what? Read Hebrews 4:9 in KJV and then read in most any other version. Then tell me that we're not supposed to follow the 4th Commandment. Jesus HIMSELF said that he came to FULFILL the law, NOT to destroy!!!
It wasn't really emphasized to me, growing up, that we will be judged on what we did in this life. What does that mean? What you did for the least of these you did for me. Doesn't say what you donated to those who do for the least of these you did for me does it? It says WHAT YOU DID for the LEAST you did FOR ME.
And then, this is the last thing that should blow anyone that believes in Baptist Churches or even churches in general, is this fucking Rapture theory. There is ONE RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD, NOT TWO. Revelations 12:1 was fulfilled September 23, 2017. Google September 23, 2017 rapture and you'll get 1.13 MILLION results!!!!!! They all thought we were gonna ESCAPE THE TRIBULATION. Sorry anons… you're HERE for the Tribulation. The SAFE PLACE is the United States. The Bible mentions Petra. Petra was a great financial and military power at the time that the Bible was written. The United States is Ephraim, which is referred to in Genesis as a Multitude of Nations, which got the Blessing. Your mission, as Christians, is to GO TO THE WORLD AND TELL THEM ABOUT JESUS before Satan revives for his 3.5 years of hell over in Asia/Europe/Africa.
Right now you are seeing the downfall of the Synougage of Satan, predited in Revelations 2:9 and 3:9 - And they will bow down before thee. Also look at the English Coat of Arms. See the Unicorn in chains? That unicorn is breaking her chains!!!!!
Do you know the real story about Calvary? Where is the Ark of the Covenant? What was done with the Ark of the Covenant? Would Calvary and the Ark not be entwined? See Ron Wyatt.
Praise the Lord!!!!!
I actually use the TS2009 or The Scriptures from The Messianic Institute, while comparing and researching any important verses. Also highly recommend "Shocked by the Bible I and II"
come-out-of-her-my-people.com is a really good website.
It wasn't until I saw it pictured here on the chan wtf was up with the star of david (black cube) and the fish (vagina) that I finally figured out what some of the shit was. Also the cross is from Tammuz and the Christmas tree is specifically mentioned in the Bible.
Quite amazing how modern "religion" is just an extension of satanic religion from thousands of years ago.
Yeshua himself said "the burden is easy and the load is light"
They all dance to the same drummer, they all dance the same tune, they all have the same literature, they all have the same conventions, most of them use one version of the bible, as far as I know all their pastors go to seminary.
Did you say "Independent"?
Independent in nothing but name. Don't squeak Independent without knowing what the hell the word means.
I should know. My mother went to a SBC for 10+ years. I don't like them one lousy bit.
Now I go to the non-denominational church that was founded by the breakaway folks every now and then. Pastored by MEN OF THE CHURCH as it should be!!!!
Sunday School is typed up by the teacher… not brought in from an outside organization.