Anonymous ID: 1c9221 March 18, 2019, 12:21 a.m. No.5749749   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Educate yourselves-


  1. Protocols of the Elders of Zion

  2. Illuminati goals

  3. 45 Communist (Illuminati/Deep State) goals to bring down


  1. Albert Pike's 3 wars

  2. Georgia guidestones

  3. The Kalergi plan

  4. Listen to any youtube audio from Benjamin Freedman

  5. Research the Khazar kingdom from 700 AD and how they converted to Judaism. Try typing in Khazar in Disqus comment section of Breitbart news,…you will get flagged for approval as if you typed in an offensive word.

The Khazar's run the world. Financial, media, entertainment/Hollywood etc,.. Many have dual citizenship with the United States and have occupied (and currently are) powerful seats in our House, Senate, Judiciary and Cabinet. IE: RBG and Henry Kissinger.

The Khazar's are luciferian based. They are in charge of drug smuggling, human trafficking, blackmailing anybody worth blackmailing and the pedophile networks where many children are tortured, raped and murdered afterwards in sacrificial rituals. The Khazars want you to believe they are not Khazars and are from Hebrew Jewish decent from the bible. They are fake Jews. They are excellent a deceit, disguise, distraction, manipulation, false flag operations and starting wars. They finance both sides. The Khazars operate Israeli's Mossad inteligance agency. They are the most powerful and feared killers in the world. They make our CIA look like girl scouts. Our Federal Reserve finances their operation. Without the Federal Reserve they would cease to exist. This comes from an EX- Mossad agent who appeared to be telling the truth. The Mossad thinks/believes that they are Gods. Research Khazar history and look into the Khazar/Zion mafia. It will connect many dots as to who is turning the wheels of evil in our world today.

The above 7 mentioned are all interconnected. This is the best I can throw out for people to have an idea of what the hell is going on. Took me about 3 years and thousands of hours of research to put them together.

Good luck in finding the truth and making sense out this crazy world we're living in today,…full of propaganda and misinformation. Once you have a general idea of what's happening and who's doing it you will sleep better at night and be able to help out others. You will know when things are being blown out of proportion, when they are nothing burgers, when it's a 4D chess move by the white hats or a false flag by the Deep State. You will also know when to pay close attention and take things very seriously. Sometimes the biggest news stories are at the bottom of the page disguised as a simple article.

Trust in Q. Trust the plan.

Israel is being saved for last,…right Q?

Anonymous ID: 1c9221 March 18, 2019, 12:51 a.m. No.5749897   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9928

Everything the Khazar's touch turns to death and destruction,.. unless you are a Khazar.


Educate yourselves-


  1. Protocols of the Elders of Zion

  2. Illuminati goals

  3. 45 Communist (Illuminati/Deep State) goals to bring down


  1. Albert Pike's 3 wars

  2. Georgia guidestones

  3. The Kalergi plan

  4. Listen to any youtube audio from Benjamin Freedman

  5. Research the Khazar kingdom from 700 AD and how they converted to Judaism. Try typing in Khazar in Disqus comment section of Breitbart news,…you will get flagged for approval as if you typed in an offensive word.

The Khazar's run the world. Financial, media, entertainment/Hollywood etc,.. Many have dual citizenship with the United States and have occupied (and currently are) powerful seats in our House, Senate, Judiciary and Cabinet. IE: RBG and Henry Kissinger.

The Khazar's are luciferian based. They are in charge of drug smuggling, human trafficking, blackmailing anybody worth blackmailing and the pedophile networks where many children are tortured, raped and murdered afterwards in sacrificial rituals. The Khazars want you to believe they are not Khazars and are from Hebrew Jewish decent from the bible. They are fake Jews. They are excellent a deceit, disguise, distraction, manipulation, false flag operations and starting wars. They finance both sides. The Khazars operate Israeli's Mossad inteligance agency. They are the most powerful and feared killers in the world. They make our CIA look like girl scouts. Our Federal Reserve finances their operation. Without the Federal Reserve they would cease to exist. This comes from an EX- Mossad agent who appeared to be telling the truth. The Mossad thinks/believes that they are Gods. Research Khazar history and look into the Khazar/Zion mafia. It will connect many dots as to who is turning the wheels of evil in our world today.

The above 7 mentioned are all interconnected. This is the best I can throw out for people to have an idea of what the hell is going on. Took me about 3 years and thousands of hours of research to put them together.

Good luck in finding the truth and making sense out this crazy world we're living in today,…full of propaganda and misinformation. Once you have a general idea of what's happening and who's doing it you will sleep better at night and be able to help out others. You will know when things are being blown out of proportion, when they are nothing burgers, when it's a 4D chess move by the white hats or a false flag by the Deep State. You will also know when to pay close attention and take things very seriously. Sometimes the biggest news stories are at the bottom of the page disguised as a simple article.

Trust in Q. Trust the plan.

Israel is being saved for last,…right Q?