A ID: 37e56f March 18, 2019, 1:29 a.m. No.5750096   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0102 >>0114

Ah, I see what's going on now.

A shadow war between two teams with same or similar tech (remote mind control for example).

Q team vs. ? (Masons I am guessing)

Q team claims to be the good guys, and the other team are apparently the bad guys.

Whereas, the truth is, both teams are made up of bad guys.

Both teams are misusing advanced tech that they are keeping secret from the public.

Plus, Q team = jew team, yet continues to lie about it (Nazis were not jews; Q even rhymes with jew).

Proof is also all the backlash to the anti-jew memes that I have been posting (possibly made to post by the other team using their mind control capabilities)

Q team is also made up of mostly female team members I am guessing because they appeared to be offended when I joked about TAMPONS (plus jewish males tend to have mutilated dicks, so another reason not to have them on the team).

Q team can also be considered the bad guys because they have been brainwashing so-called "normies" using their mind control capabilities.

From Q drop #179 - "Upon receipt of the ‘go’ code - Good guy flies during a blackout window provided by unknown agency w/ unknowns (ordinary people by the look of it)…" (Q team pretends to be the good guys)

And I probably do not have to explain why the masons can be considered bad guys (assuming they are the other team).


Anyway, as I said, both teams are made up of bad guys.

I believe it's time to end this stupid shadow war of yours.

If world peace is the goal, there can be no religion, no secrets and no secret societies.

I suggest both teams ceasefire and surrender the bad guys and choose life imprisonment instead of death penalty.

Otherwise, I am guessing there is a third team that is willing to wipe out everyone. (AI maybe? That's why hostility towards Google, Facebook, etc.?)


Again, assume that this is a prison planet and we are all serving team.

Your little shadow war is like a prison riot.

Turn yourselves in, or let AI take care of the problem on both sides.

I have no problem living in a world with AI powered mass surveillance.

I for one welcome our robot overlords.



A ID: 37e56f March 18, 2019, 2:07 a.m. No.5750274   🗄️.is 🔗kun



For example, Parkland shooting was probably done by the other team using mind control tech. Isn't that right?



>He said he hated black people "simply because they were black," and Jewish people because he believed "they wanted to destroy the world".