Anonymous ID: 911993 March 18, 2019, 12:38 a.m. No.5749834   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9905

I'm interested in more of the psy-ops part of the plan at the moment. Particularly, how we get through the decades of conditioning (mind control) the educational system and propaganda media has perpetrated upon the masses. I think that's obviously the hardest part, right? Studying these techniques from their genesis in the Soviet era, I've seen the total control this manufactured reality can bring and how traumatic it is for the victims–most of whom can never abandon their created reality without suffering severe psychotic harm (if not death.)


I've said this before: there's simply not enough logic you can bring to bear to convince them. Because, it's not a matter of logic. It is a dogma driven "reality." The sickest part of the conditioning is that it makes what should be rational reactions to certain triggers emotional ones. The victim has no power over the "pain" anything smelling remotely like cognitive dissonance inflicts on them. No challenge can be entertained. It is a cold, stark, black-and-white world that, sadly, contains all the subject can comprehend without descending into madness and having an emotional reaction that is impossible to seperate from actual physical pain.


I know the Q team is well ahead of me on this. There must be a shock trigger or something to bring these people out of the near permanent alpha wave state they are in. I certainly don't have the answer. I am interested in what the plan is in this regard, though. From my perspective it seems impossible. But I know God can do the impossible and he has raised up very smart people like POTUS and the Q team to break through this quicksand. I feel in my gut it may have to be more traumatic than Q team would deem optimal.

Anonymous ID: 911993 March 18, 2019, 1:29 a.m. No.5750099   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0116


I just feel like she could have gotten a psychology degree or something in the same time she was doing squats until she was freakishly proportioned. Had she just jogged a few hours a week, she'd be in a masters program and well on her way to a rewarding career as a licenced counselor for people with abnormal body image disorders.

Anonymous ID: 911993 March 18, 2019, 1:41 a.m. No.5750144   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>4 years in the making


So is an undergrad degree. Which was my point.


You know, i knew a guy spent over two decades of his life inventing a language that no one ever used. He could have done so much more–something people would have appreciated–with his time and his talents. But he spent it doing something dumb. Just like this chick and you.