Anonymous ID: c081d2 March 17, 2019, 11:54 p.m. No.5749599   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9604 >>9610 >>9707 >>0107

Reposting from late last bread. Post worth noticing.

>>5749494bp lb

>>>5749451 (You) lb

>Hm. Let's see about this…

>Imagingsoftwarefaggot here.

>See that triple set of perfectly white lines on top of the red-dot? Real-time compositing / image augmentation software would be most efficient and foolproof if it had a REALLY good registration mark so it could know where the gun is. Like EXACTLY where the gun is. These high contrast lines are PERFECTLY aligned. I'd say almost calibrated.

>I suggest the white text all over the guns is AIR COVER for the fact that they needed a registration mark on the gun in order to realistically add cartridge ejecta to the video.

>Caveat: I'm not 100% sold this is VR. It is possible (although improbable IMO) that the disappearing cartridges are an unfortunate loss in image quality due to heavily lossy compression due to the streaming video. However, in my (experienced) opinion, I find this explanation unlikely.

>This is why I post this. That registration mark on the red-dot made my almonds explode. Other software gurus will agree. If you're there, chime in.


>>>5749451 (You)

>Hm. Let's see about this…

>Imagingsoftwarefaggot here.

>See that triple set of perfectly white lines on top of the red-dot? Real-time compositing / image augmentation software would be most efficient and foolproof if it had a REALLY good registration mark so it could know where the gun is. Like EXACTLY where the gun is. These high contrast lines are PERFECTLY aligned. I'd say almost calibrated.

>I suggest the white text all over the guns is AIR COVER for the fact that they needed a registration mark on the gun in order to realistically add cartridge ejecta to the video.

>Caveat: I'm not 100% sold this is VR. It is possible (although improbable IMO) that the disappearing cartridges are an unfortunate loss in image quality due to heavily lossy compression due to the streaming video. However, in my (experienced) opinion, I find this explanation unlikely.

>This is why I post this. That registration mark on the red-dot made my almonds explode. Other software gurus will agree. If you're there, chime in.