Anonymous ID: 1064ba March 18, 2019, 5:03 a.m. No.5751012   🗄️.is 🔗kun

consider this those who are very concerned about the ongoing smear campaign by the subhumans who shill. I say 'sub' not in the sense of 'less than' but in the sense of 'submissive'.

they are here crapping up the board at their masters' command.

they are here.

and they say 'anyone here is a qanon and look what they do . . . oh no'.

and then 'they must all be bad'

ok, so they are here, anonymously, and talking shit about people who are also here anonymously. That would include them so they are also talking about themselves. Do you see how their argument falls apart there, anons? The mere fact that they are here bitching about all the rest only makes it seem that they are control freaks who do not believe in free speech.

That being the case, then it can be known, individually, who we are, anon (yes it's says anon, but if you be bad they be looking for you). So if you say 'oh, but this is a free speech board', you are free in some sense to post illegal or threatening content only in the sense that you won't be stopped from doing it. But the act of making a threat is actually not legal in very many jurisdictions, so it's not 'free speech' that you violate then, but laws against harassing people.


So what do these assholes have to worry about then? Don't we all know that they are just trying to float the toxic balloon of 'dare not speak, you will violate someone's rights'?


here it is: if they are in a group shilling here to close down this board then that is a criminal conspiracy to violate our rights of free assembly here, and our rights to free speech here.

So is that a noose for them, and not us?

what they fail to understand is that the span or div element that contains a 'post' is the only part that every gets tagged back to a poster.

The whole bread?

so, ya, a post might get deleted if it's particularly nasty.

the limits are pushed.

the final point: those who threaten this board need to worry about who they associate with, and what they are really doing as a group.

The violation of our right to assemble isn't a small violation. We have that right. They seek to remove it.

And so ask yourself, who that is here really has anything to worry about?

those who are on the wrong side of History.

those who go down towards the receeding sea of change right before the tsunami hits yelling "told you you were yellow, ya bastards. Ha Ha. We be they kkannnggg. you be gone jail."

We know what happens when the wave hits.

Bam. The wave hits. They get flooded inland yelling "anon, anon save me save me. My free speech rights are violated. They accuse me of being part of a criminal conspiracy to shut down free assembly and free speech at this very board . . . you all know that's not goot. Have some tits".

Will it be too late for them then?

So go to higher ground, shills. The wave is about to break over your heads. And you had fair warning. We don't want them to come to harm in this wave but to experience a conversion.