Maybe they should take Farcebook to task for that, they're supposed to save safe guards in place. Like his music, should've shut it down. That video is out there forever, just like beheading videos, it'll stay out there. Threatening your citizens is beyond the pale.
The sum of the timestamp= 17
Sum of this timestamp is 17
Said the same on another and realized they haven't gotten the est time zone.
There's that 93 again too.
Yes! I did a page for a band and the platform was amazingly successful for his band, and the merch dept. The orders came in so fast he was so baffled.
I member losing the music too and having to do it again kek
I'd even load up my page when lists were enabled to hear songs instead of putting on the stereo, the good days of internet laziness.
Her smile certainly doesn't travel to those eyes kek
Checked for truth