Anonymous ID: aff0d3 March 18, 2019, 2:57 a.m. No.5750472   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0652

The Testimony of John B. Connally


The CHAIRMAN. You may be seated, Governor. Mr. Specter will conduct the examination.

Mr. SPECTER. Will you state your full name for the record, please?

Governor CONNALLY. John Bowden Connally.

Mr. SPECTER. What is your official position with the State of Texas, sir?

Governor CONNALLY. I am now Governor of the State of Texas.

Mr. SPECTER. Did you have occasion to be in the automobile which carried President John F. Kennedy through Dallas, Tex., back on November 22, 1963.

Governor CONNALLY. Yes, sir; I did.

Mr. SPECTER. Will you outline briefly, please, the circumstances leading up to the President's planning a trip to Texas in November of last year?

Governor CONNALLY. You want to go back to–how far back do you want to……….

….. The CHAIRMAN. We hate to have you review all of this sordid thing again.

Senator COOPER. May I ask a rather general question? I would like to ask, in view of all the discussion which has been had, was there any official discussion of any kind before this trip of which you were aware that there might be some act of violence against the President?

Governor CONNALLY. No, sir.

Senator COOPER. Thank you.

Governor CONNALLY. No; let me say that there have been several news stories—-

Senator COOPER. Yes, I know.

Governor CONNALLY. That purportedly quoted me about not wanting the President to ride in a motorcade or caravan in Dallas. That is very true. But the implication was that I had some fear of his life, which is not true.

The reason I didn't want him to do it at the time it came up was simply we were running out of time, and that, I thought, we were working him much too hard. This again was before the change, moving San Antonio to Thursday instead of having it all on one day, and I was opposed to a motorcade because they do drain energy, and it takes time to do it, and I didn't think we had the time.

But once we got San Antonio moved from Friday to Thursday afternoon, where that was his initial stop in Texas, then we had the time, and I withdrew my objections to a motorcade.

The CHAIRMAN. Thank you very much, Governor.

Governor CONNALLY. Thank you, sir.


[Home: Alphabetical list of witnesses]

Anonymous ID: aff0d3 March 18, 2019, 3:08 a.m. No.5750518   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0521

this from WeGo in case not dropped here"


Netflix Documentary Links John Podesta To Pedophile Ring

May 30, 2017 Sean Adl-Tabatabai News, US 16


Netflix documentary series ‘The Keepers‘ links Clinton campaign chair John Podesta to a high-level government pedophile ring.


The show documents a government-connected pedophile ring involving the Catholic church and the murder of a woman who was about to come forward to the police with damning evidence about the abuse committed against various children.


The show vindicates what alternative media websites have been saying for years – namely that elite pedophile rings operate within the highest echelons of government involving famous politicians and world leaders, and confirms that such scandals are systematically covered up by the powers-that-be in collusion with our media institutions.


In the show, tesimony makes reference to a man nicknamed ‘Skippy’ who was involved in Cathy’s murder. ‘Skippy’ is the nickname John Podesta used as detailed in various emails leaked to WikiLeaks. He was described as a man with brown hair and a mustache, just like the picture of Podesta below: reports: There are several e-mails of him being referred to as ‘Skippy’. Pedophile code words were also found in his e-mails and it is a strong possibility that he and his brother Tony Podesta are Luciferian pedophiles.


He was born in 1949 which would have made him 20 or so when Cathy’s tragic murder occurred. Per his Wikipedia page it says:


“John Podesta identifies himself as a Catholic and has worked closely with Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good and Catholics United.”


John Podesta graduated from Land Tech High School in 1967 in Chicago at 18 or so and it says on his page that he completed college in 1971 in the same state of Illinois. That doesn’t mean he couldn’t have traveled around though. The timeline appears to be very consistent. Almost fits like a glove. During his time in college he helped Eugene McCarthy’s candidacy to the Democratic Party.


Now here is a timeline that would have put McCarthy and the Podesta brothers in the Washington D.C. area at the time of Cathy’s murder. Just to note it is only a 30-40 minute drive from D.C. to Baltimore:


November 2nd 1969 Senator McCarthy giving a press conference in Washington D.C.

November 7th 1969 Sister Cathy Cesnik ‘disappeared’

November 7th 1969 Senator Eugene McCarthy was debating in the Senate about a bill per The DeMoins Register newspaper on November 6th:


trailer: 2 minutes

Anonymous ID: aff0d3 March 18, 2019, 4 a.m. No.5750706   🗄️.is 🔗kun

haven't bee involved withshooter dig but I was just thinking about the video I did see…

why wuld anyone stand in a doorway with dealy waepon pointed right at yu and not only one person stood there….

b) as they gun took aim at those running with the shooter 'following' the path the victims ran… some of those crossed 'entrances' in and out of various rooms.

I'm struck with: why was the 'action' lacking splinters of wood and plaster exploding all over da place boss???


I'm sure anons got this already