Anonymous ID: d86444 March 18, 2019, 4:33 a.m. No.5750856   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0874 >>0952

If I suspect a court ordered child therapist of attempting to brainwash/hypnotize a young child for future false flags, what do I do? Who do I call? My friends son was happy and a BIG sports player, the court ordered they go to family therapy with the (psycho) father and ever since the kid has had migraines for 5 months STRAIGHT. Everything was fine until this therapist. When I looked her up, she looks like a tranny and went to some bullshit liberal school and specializes in tranny therapy..not trying to help people overcome their illness but to help in the transition. Enabling, basically. I just really have a BAD feeling this kid is being primed for something bad and the mother has NO idea about it and I can’t say it to her without sounding crazy


Any thoughts? It’s in NY, btw