Anonymous ID: 61ee91 March 18, 2019, 8:30 a.m. No.5753066   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3134


Michael Flynn’s Family Is at War With Each Other Over QAnon


The retired general’s brother and sister are fanning the flames. His son is a public skeptic.

Will Sommer

Will Sommer

03.18.19 4:42 AM ET

Photo Illustration by Lyne Lucien/The Daily Beast/Getty


Michael Flynn’s family members appear to be at war with each other over the QAnon conspiracy theory and whether Flynn himself is playing a role in it.


Flynn, who served briefly as Donald Trump’s national security adviser, became a martyr figure for QAnon believers after taking a plea deal from Special Counsel Robert Mueller for lying about his Russia contacts. Many QAnon fans, who have seized on a series of internet clues posted by the anonymous Q to imagine a world in which Trump is engaged in a secret war against high-ranking Democratic pedophiles, think Flynn is, in fact, secretly working with Mueller to help Trump defeat the deep state. The most ardent of those fans add three “star” emojis to their Twitter handles, a reference to Flynn’s status as a retired three-star general. Some even claim that Flynn himself is “Q.”


“They think he’s an essential part of the story, they think that he actually didn’t do anything wrong,” said Travis View, a researcher who studies the QAnon phenomenon.


Because of Flynn’s role in QAnon lore, believers of the conspiracy theory are desperate for him to confirm that QAnon is real. But Flynn has never discussed the conspiracy theory publicly.


Into that void, his family members have stepped—but not with a unified voice. Instead, they’ve come down on opposite sides of the conspiracy, with his siblings Joseph Flynn and Barbara Redgate eagerly signaling support to QAnon believers, and his son Michael Flynn Jr. becoming a vocal QAnon skeptic.


The family divide came into sharp focus last week, when Joseph Flynn tweeted just one letter, “Q,” prompting QAnon believers to rejoice. His Twitter mentions subsequently filled up with happy QAnon fans, who posted Q memes and “#WWG1WGA,” a reference to the conspiracy theory’s motto, “Where we go one, we go all.”


Flynn later deleted the tweet, claiming his Twitter account had been hacked. But even in backing away, he gave a nod to QAnon believers, saying he may have been hacked by “the team”—a seeming reference to the theory that Q is aided by the “Q team,” a mythical group of hackers working on Trump’s behalf.


“He clearly knew what he was doing, he was signaling to the QAnon community,” View said.


Redgate is even more prominent in the QAnon community than Joseph Flynn. She’s frequently tweeting “#WWG1WGA,” promoted a QAnon-themed rock song, and even appeared on Patriot’s Soapbox, a 24-hour YouTube livestream devoted to promoting QAnon. The channel’s creators played a key role in QAnon’s initial spread.


Giving credibility to QAnon isn’t a harmless internet game. One armed QAnon believer allegedly blocked a bridge near the Hoover Dam with an armored truck, while another QAnon believer has been charged with murder after allegedly killing his brother with a sword because he had become convinced his brother was a lizard. And not everyone in Flynn’s family has been willing to be associated with the the community or the conspiracy.


Though he was a one-time believer in the Pizzagate conspiracy theory, which later grew into QAnon, Michael Flynn Jr. has become a committed QAnon skeptic, frequently clashing with QAnon fans on Twitter before deleting his account earlier this year. Those clashes came to a head last September, after his father signed a copy of his memoir with “WWG1WGA.” QAnon believers took this as proof, straight from Flynn, that QAnon was real.


But Flynn Jr. wasn’t having it. In a series of tweets, he told his father’s supporters to “stop with the conspiracy theories.” The retired general, Flynn Jr. tweeted, has “ZERO to do with ‘Q.’”

Anonymous ID: 61ee91 March 18, 2019, 8:55 a.m. No.5753336   🗄️.is 🔗kun



His work also touched on pop culture, as in the early 2000s when he showed how concert tickets had surged in price and started to generate more revenues for performers than CD sales. Just last week his work was widely cited following the college admissions scandal in the U.S. He had previously concluded admittance to a top university typically benefited black and Hispanic households, and households with lower educational backgrounds, much more than other children.