Anonymous ID: 466b2d March 18, 2019, 10:15 a.m. No.5754322   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4357 >>4417 >>4444 >>4653 >>4794 >>4856 >>4944

Judge orders release of Michael Cohen search warrant materials


A federal judge has ordered redacted copies of the search warrant materials from the FBI's raid of former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen's home and office last spring be made public. The documents will be placed on the docket Tuesday, according to a brief order by U.S. District Court Judge William Pauley III. Included in the approved redactions are Cohen's phone numbers, apartment number, and safety deposit box number.


Looks like we'll be getting Michael Cohen's search warrant materials: The NY federal judge handling Cohen's case approved proposed redactions and ordered the redacted versions placed on the public docket by tomorrow — Zoe Tillman (@ZoeTillman) March 18, 2019


The materials were obtained as part of an FBI raid of Cohen's New York City home, office, and safety deposit box last April. Cohen pleaded guilty in August to tax and bank fraud, and to violating campaign finance law by arranging payments to silence women alleging affairs with President Trump. In November, he pleaded guilty to lying to Congress about efforts to open a Trump Tower in Moscow. Cohen was sentenced to three years in prison, and he's due to start that sentence in May.

Anonymous ID: 466b2d March 18, 2019, 10:24 a.m. No.5754459   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4470 >>4503

Rep. Ilhan Omar pens op-ed in support of two-state solution


In the wake of anti-Semitic statements for which she eventually apologized, Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., signaled support for an Israeli-Palestinian two-state solution in a Sunday editorial. The piece, published in the Washington Post, strikes a more moderate tone toward Middle East policy and Israel than that of comments and tweets the freshman congresswoman has made the past few months.


“I support a two-state solution, with internationally recognized borders, which allows for both Israelis and Palestinians to have their own sanctuaries and self-determination,” Omar writes. “This has been official bipartisan U.S. policy across two decades.” “When I criticize certain Israeli government actions in Gaza or settlements in the West Bank, it is because I believe these actions not only threaten the possibility of peace in the region — they also threaten the United States’ own national security interests,” she writes.


In the piece, Omar quotes President Trump’s former defense secretary James Mattis saying, “The current situation between those two peoples is unsustainable.” The congresswoman writes that the United States must also acknowledge the area as the “historical homeland of Palestinians.” Without a state, she says, “the Palestinian people live in a state of permanent refugeehood and displacement. This, too, is a refugee crisis, and they, too, deserve freedom and dignity.”


Omar recently drew controversy for tweeting that congressional support for Israel was "all about the Benjamins.” She also said that supporters of the U.S. ally have dual allegiances. The statements drew condemnation across the board, leading to a Democratic resolution that was seen as a veiled rebuke of her comments. That resolution was later watered down to condemn all forms of racism. Sunday’s piece was Omar’s first op-ed since the comments. In it, she attempts to strike a mild, non-interventionist tone, arguing in favor of “an inclusive foreign policy” that focuses on “human rights, justice, and peace as the pillars of America’s engagement in the world.” She says that her vision for foreign policy is fewer troops abroad and less military engagement. “This means reorienting our foreign affairs to focus on diplomacy and economic and cultural engagement,” Omar writes.

Anonymous ID: 466b2d March 18, 2019, 10:31 a.m. No.5754598   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I would take it a step further and say that newly admitted people into this country should not be allowed to run/participate in gov't roles on any level until they have LURKED MOAR for a very long time.