Anonymous ID: 5787eb March 18, 2019, 10:13 a.m. No.5754281   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Is this a new addition to McCabe's release, Part 5 of 5?

Not much there but pointing to emails between he and Comey on 10/21/16, 10/23/16, 10/26/18, 10/28/16. All prior to election and most likely related to HRC email investigation I would assume. Wonder what's in them?

Anonymous ID: 5787eb March 18, 2019, 10:22 a.m. No.5754428   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4444 >>4457 >>4653 >>4761 >>4856 >>4944

Getting closer to the Q. POTUS really set them off with that retwat.


President Trump has long been a conspiracy theorist, and he has long been prone to angry tweetstorms. On Sunday, those two things collided in a major way.


In a lengthy string of tweets and retweets before and after a Sunday morning church visit, Trump promoted conspiracy theorists and theories while airing grievances about a Fox News host who was suspended for offering a conspiracy theory about Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.). He also elevated a series of sources with dubious and questionable track records


Let’s recap.


So it was indeed (just proven in court papers) “last in his class” (Annapolis) John McCain that sent the Fake Dossier to the FBI and Media hoping to have it printed BEFORE the Election. He & the Dems, working together, failed (as usual). Even the Fake News refused this garbage!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 17, 2019


The tweet: “So it was indeed (just proven in court papers) ‘last in his class’ (Annapolis) John McCain that sent the Fake Dossier to the FBI and Media hoping to have it printed BEFORE the Election. He & the Dems, working together, failed (as usual). Even the Fake News refused this garbage!”


The background: As The Post’s Felicia Sonmez wrote: “Trump’s tweet contained three errors. McCain, a member of the Naval Academy’s class of 1958, graduated fifth from last in his class. The senator was not made aware of the Steele dossier until Nov. 18, 2016 — after Trump had won the election. And there is no evidence that McCain gave the dossier to the media.” The thrust of the tweet also suggests McCain, who died in August, was conspiring with Democrats against Trump.


Bring back @JudgeJeanine Pirro. The Radical Left Democrats, working closely with their beloved partner, the Fake News Media, is using every trick in the book to SILENCE a majority of our Country. They have all out campaigns against @FoxNews hosts who are doing too well. Fox …..

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 17, 2019


….must stay strong and fight back with vigor. Stop working soooo hard on being politically correct, which will only bring you down, and continue to fight for our Country. The losers all want what you have, don’t give it to them. Be strong & prosper, be weak & die! Stay true….

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 17, 2019


The tweets: “Bring back @JudgeJeanine Pirro. The Radical Left Democrats, working closely with their beloved partner, the Fake News Media, is using every trick in the book to SILENCE a majority of our Country. They have all out campaigns against @FoxNews hosts who are doing too well. Fox … must stay strong and fight back with vigor. Stop working soooo hard on being politically correct, which will only bring you down, and continue to fight for our Country.”


The background: Fox reportedly suspended weekend host Pirro for two weeks for suggesting the fact that Omar wears a hijab means she subscribes to a fundamentalist interpretation of Islamic sharia law. Trump apparently believes this offense wasn’t worthy of taking her off the air.

The tweet: A retweet of a user with the moniker “VB Nationalist.”


The background: The user’s avatar is a Q — apparently a reference to the wild QAnon conspiracy theory — with a MAGA hat on top. The user has promoted both the QAnon and Pizzagate conspiracy theories. The user was also apparently happy about Trump’s retweet, sharing a tweet that alleged the retweet was “a St Patrick’s Day wink to Anons without being too obvious.”


Anonymous ID: 5787eb March 18, 2019, 10:30 a.m. No.5754576   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4653 >>4856 >>4944

Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro visited the CIA Monday, a move that was not on the public agenda for his first trip to the U.S.


One of Bolsonaro's sons confirmed that they were visiting the Central Intelligence Agency, calling it one of the "most respected" intelligence agencies in the world.


"Going now with president @jairbolsonaroe and ministers to the CIA, one of the most respected intelligence agencies in the world," Eduardo Bolsonaro, a lawmaker who is traveling with his father, tweeted. "It’ll be an excellent opportunity to speak about international relations topics in the region with experts and the technicians of the highest level."


Indo agora com o PR @jairbolsonaroe ministros para a CIA, uma das agências de inteligência mais respeitadas do mundo. Será uma excelente oportunidade de conversar sobre temas internacionais da região com técnicos e peritos do mais alto gabarito.

— Eduardo Bolsonaro (@BolsonaroSP) March 18, 2019


Bolsonaro’s right-wing, populist policies have led many to draw parallels between him and President Trump, earning him the nickname “Trump of the Tropics.”


He has received significant criticism for praising Brazil’s former military dictatorship, advocating for torture, threatening to jail political opponents, and criticizing women and the LGBTQ community.


Later Monday, Bolsonaro is set to meet with former Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson and deliver remarks at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, according to Reuters.


Bolsonaro is then scheduled to meet with Trump Tuesday to discuss a range of issues, including the ongoing situation in Venezuela, according to the White House.

Anonymous ID: 5787eb March 18, 2019, 10:39 a.m. No.5754731   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4788 >>4856 >>4944


Warner Bros. Chief Executive Kevin Tsujihara will step down after allegations that he had an affair with a young actress and tried to help her get cast in the Burbank studio’s movies, WarnerMedia said Monday.


AT&T-owned WarnerMedia, which is Warner Bros.’ parent company, began investigating the matter following a March 6 Hollywood Reporter article that included text messages between Tsujihara, 54, and aspiring British actress Charlotte Kirk. She was eventually cast in the 2018 caper film “Ocean’s 8” and the 2016 rom-com “How to Be Single.”


“It is in the best interest of WarnerMedia, Warner Bros., our employees and our partners for Kevin to step down as chairman and CEO of Warner Bros.,” said WarnerMedia CEO John Stankey in a statement. “Kevin has contributed greatly to the studio’s success over the past 25 years and for that we thank him. Kevin acknowledges that his mistakes are inconsistent with the company’s leadership expectations and could impact the company’s ability to execute going forward.”


The scandal blew up at an awkward time for WarnerMedia and Stankey, who had just days before given Tsujihara an expanded role overseeing animation at the company, including Cartoon Network and Adult Swim. AT&T had also recently beaten a final court challenge to the deal from the U.S. Justice Department. AT&T took over the company formerly known as Time Warner Inc. last year.


Tsujihara is the latest media figure to come under scrutiny in the #MeToo era. Stories about inappropriate sexual activity by executives have led to high-level media and entertainment figures losing their jobs, including former CBS Chairman Leslie Moonves, former Pixar Chief Creative Officer John Lasseter and former “Today” show co-host Matt Lauer.


Tsujihara’s exit comes just days after he offered an apology to staff and promised to cooperate fully with WarnerMedia’s investigation.


“I deeply regret that I have made mistakes in my personal life that have caused pain and embarrassment to the people I love the most,” Tsujihara said in an emailed memo to staff.


WarnerMedia had previously engaged an outside law firm to look into the situation, but at the time did not find anything inappropriate about the woman’s casting, the company said when the texts surfaced.


The texts appeared to provide a rare glimpse into Hollywood’s infamous “casting couch” culture, in which sex is exchanged for a shot at fame or access to power.


“I don’t usually call about casting about these types of roles,” Tsujihara wrote to Kirk in response to an inquiry about a television show, according to the Hollywood Reporter story. “It’s fine, I just need to be careful.”


After the revelations, Tsujihara’s attorney, Bert H. Deixler, said Tsujihara “had no direct role in the hiring of this actress.”


Kirk was introduced to Tsujihara by Australian casino billionaire and financier James Packer, with whom Kirk had a fling, in 2013. At the time Kirk and Tsujihara met, Packer and director-producer Brett Ratner were in the process of setting up a $450-million film co-financing pact with the studio.


Later, according to the Hollywood Reporter, Kirk texted Ratner and suggested she was “used as icing on the cake” for the deal between Warner Bros. and Ratner’s company. In an exchange with Packer, she wrote: “I didn’t expect to be part of a business deal so all I’m asking is u just help me with a couple of roles it’s not big deal and then we’ll just put this all behind us.”


Through a spokesman, Kirk denied having anything to do with the slate financing deal between Warner Bros. and Packer and Ratner’s company, RatPac-Dune Entertainment. Kirk also denied that Tsujihara had done anything wrong, or promised her anything. She said she had no claims against Tsujihara, Ratner or Packer.



Anonymous ID: 5787eb March 18, 2019, 10:46 a.m. No.5754827   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4856 >>4944



-@EPhilippePM : "Lorsqu'une manifestation est non-déclarée, interdite, qu’elle est organisée pour casser. Tous ceux qui participent, les encouragent ou les glorifient sur les réseaux sociaux se rendent complices. Ils devront prendre leurs responsabilités."

— LCP (@LCP) March 18, 2019


Earlier on Monday, it emerged that future protests and demonstrations could be banned in the heart of Paris after French President Emmanuel Macron consulted with his interior and justice ministers during an emergency meeting.

Sections of protesters attached to the movement wreaked havoc on the iconic Champs-Elysees avenue, after police attempted to remove barriers erected by the protesters. The demonstration, the group’s 18th consecutive weekend of protests, then turned into a riot with cars set on fire and shops along the avenue smashed up and looted. Riot police responded by firing tear gas and other projectiles, which hospitalized a reporter from RT’s Ruptly video agency.


Previous clashes with police have resulted in demonstrators and bystanders suffering severe injuries after being hit with gas canisters, rubber bullets and Flash-Balls. Activist group Desarmons-les (Disarm Them) has recorded at least 150 serious injuries. Government figures show that over 2,000 protesters and over 1,000 police officers have been injured since protests broke out in November.

The renewed violence bears the hallmarks of the severe rioting that occurred during demonstrations in December. However, recent demonstrations have been fairly calm. Macron has since vowed to take “strong measures” in order to prevent a repeat of the violence next Saturday.


Initially a rejection of proposed fuel tax increases, the Yellow Vest movement has since widened to broadly oppose the government, its pro-business reforms, and Macron’s leadership in general.

Anonymous ID: 5787eb March 18, 2019, 10:49 a.m. No.5754869   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4944

Democratic candidate for president and establishment-punching bag Tulsi Gabbard is taking heat on Twitter for daring to suggest that the Russiagate scandal could be pushing the US and Russia toward a dangerous new Cold War.


Gabbard tweeted that “short-sighted” politicians and media pundits who spend their time accusing Donald Trump of being in cahoots with Russia were helping bring about a new arms race because the accusations have led Trump to do “everything he can to prove he’s not [Russian President Vladimir] Putin’s puppet — even if it brings us closer to nuclear war.”


In a sane world, journalists, pundits and even Gabbard’s fellow Democrats all understood exactly what she meant and took her point on board. Except, this is Twitter we’re talking about, so of course, she was eviscerated.


Short-sighted politicians & media pundits who've spent last 2 years accusing Trump as a Putin puppet have brought us the expensive new Cold War & arms race. How? Because Trump now does everything he can to prove he’s not Putin’s puppet—even if it brings us closer to nuclear war.

— Tulsi Gabbard (@TulsiGabbard) March 16, 2019


One of the first to pop in with a response was former CIA agent John Sipher who accused the Hawaii congresswoman of helping Russia and “playing their game.” Sipher himself once had his own moment of Twitter fame, back when he tweeted the classic question: “How can one not be a Russophobe?”


Uh, so Russia plays no role in what's happening? You are playing their game. It's not helpful.

— John Sipher (@john_sipher) March 17, 2019


For the crime of suggesting perhaps Trump isn’t an agent of Moscow, Gabbard herself was, naturally, accused of being “compromised” by the Kremlin and a Russian “asset.”


It is almost as though Tulsi Gabbard herself is Kremlin compromised.🤔

— ᴛʀᴜᴛʜ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇʀ (@WritesTruths) March 17, 2019


Russian assets say what?

— Ryan (but people call me Bryan) (@realUnfamous) March 17, 2019


Some media folk got in on the action, too. CNN National Security analyst Susan Hennessey bravely stepped up with the bold take that Gabbard’s call for calm and better relations was “absurd.”


Gabbard staking out a bold “Trump is too tough on Putin” lane in the Democratic primary. As predictable as it is absurd.

— Susan Hennessey (@Susan_Hennessey) March 17, 2019


Washington Post columnist and fellow CNN analyst Josh Rogin accused Gabbard of blaming only Democrats and journalists for bad relations with Russia, while Bloomberg columnist Eli Lake had an interesting spin on things, suggesting Trump was playing “seven dimensional collusion.”


That time @TulsiGabbard blamed Democrats and journalists for tensions in the U.S.-Russian relations, instead of Vladimir Putin, the guy most responsible for them. Nice.

— Josh Rogin (@joshrogin) March 18, 2019


that’s exactly what a Putin puppet do. It’s seven dimensional collusion.

— Eli Lake (@EliLake) March 18, 2019


Then there were those that questioned Gabbard’s status as a Democrat, because she “doesn’t sound like” one. Presumably, in the age of Russiagate, Democrats are all supposed to be advocating for nuclear war?


That logic is about as twisted as a pretzel. Are you a democrat?!? You sure don’t sound like one…

— Martina Navratilova (@Martina) March 18, 2019


Some were interested in the candidate’s contact with Russian nationals, asking the all-important questions like, how many Russians has she met on her trips abroad — and crucially, how many does she “still maintain contact” with today?


How many Russians did you meet with when you went to Syria, Tulsi? How many do you still maintain contact with?

— Michael (@HedgerowWizard) March 17, 2019


Some tweeters did take Gabbard’s side, however. Journalist Glenn Greenwald took aim at the likes of Hennessey who “mock” those who want to avoid heightening tensions with Russia as “treasonous weaklings.”


It's not surprising that former members of the NSA and intelligence community - like the poster below - mock those who want better relations with Moscow as treasonous weaklings. That's what they've always done. What's most amazing is that this is now standard liberal dogma:

— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) March 18, 2019


Independent journalist Caitlin Johnstone tweeted that the negative reaction to Gabbard's tweet was a good example of how “narrative supersedes fact” and that while it was “undeniable” that Trump has escalated Russia tensions, pundits and Democrats who cling to the collusion story are still unwilling to believe it.