Anonymous ID: bf6e35 March 18, 2019, 10:16 a.m. No.5754344   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4392 >>4444 >>4653 >>4856 >>4944

France to ban Yellow Vest protests in ‘worst hit’ areas if radicals spotted – French PM


French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said Paris could soon ban protests in “worst hit” neighborhoods, after radical protesters turned a Yellow Vests’ demonstration on Champs-Elysees into smashing, looting, and burning mayhem.


"From next Saturday, we will ban 'yellow vest' protests in neighbourhoods that have been the worst hit as soon as we see sign of the presence of radical groups and their intent to cause damage," Philippe told reporters on Monday.


The French prime minister, Edouard Philippe, has held talks with ministers after opposition politicians accused the government of being unprepared for rioting during gilets jaunes (yellow vests) protests on the Champs Élysées in Paris.

— J.M. Hamilton (@jmhamiltonblog) March 18, 2019


Philippe then announced that the city’s police chief, Michel Delpuech, will be sacked and replaced on Wednesday by Didier Lallement, currently the top police official in the southwestern region of Nouvelle-Aquitaine. Philippe criticized the Paris police for their handling of Saturday’s protests, saying “the strategy for maintaining order was not correctly implemented.”


Philippe also took aim at those social media users who he said were encouraging the rioting, saying that “all those who participate, encourage, or glorify it on social networks are complicit,” and warning that “they will have to take responsibility.”

Anonymous ID: bf6e35 March 18, 2019, 10:19 a.m. No.5754384   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Syria calls on US administration to stop financing and supporting terrorism


Damascus, SANA-Syria has strongly condemned the US administration’s support offered to the terrorist organizations in Syria, affirming that this support will not affect Syria’s firm stance in combating terrorism and the foreign occupation until liberating the last part of its territory.


“The US continues its flagrant support to terrorism to which Syria is exposed, in a flagrant and continued violation of the UN charter and rules of international law as well as all relevant resolutions,” An official spokesman at Foreign and Expatriates Ministry told SANA in a statement.


The US State Department has lately announced offering 5 million USD to the so-called “the white helmets” organization, the special mission’s arm of Jabhat al-Nusra and Daesh, in addition to the role of this organization in fabricating lies, scenarios and videos about the chemical attacks issue in Syria.


The spokesman added that this desperate US step which followed a similar one by Qatar sheikdom stresses that the US still bargains on supporting terrorism to achieve the goal of its special agendas in Syria and the region in service of the Israeli occupation.


He concluded by saying that the Syrian Arab Republic strongly condemns the acts of US administration in offering secret and declared support to terrorist organizations including the so-called “white helmets.”


The spokesman called on the US administration to respect the UN Security council resolutions regarding combating terrorism and halting the financing of Jabhat al-Nusra and other affiliated terrorist organizations.

Anonymous ID: bf6e35 March 18, 2019, 10:22 a.m. No.5754419   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4444 >>4653 >>4856 >>4944

Muslim Doctor Praises Trump and GOP in Live Interview — CNN Quickly Whisks Her Away (VIDEO)


At least they didn’t cut her mic.

Dr. Qanta Ahmed went on CNN to discuss the horrific mosque shooting on Friday. During the discussion she was asked about how this administration is viewed in the Muslim world. Dr. Ahmed defended the Trump administration and told the CNN host how Muslims in Oman, Iraq, Egypt, etc loved the Trump administration.


Dr. Qanta Ahmed: You should know this president and this administration is often castigated as Islamophobic, but I move in the Muslim world, in Egypt, in Oman, in Jordan, in Iraqi Kurdistan, where this president is beloved. This president and the Republican Party going back to George Bush is very dearly held.

Anonymous ID: bf6e35 March 18, 2019, 10:25 a.m. No.5754484   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4653 >>4856 >>4944

Putin arrives in Crimea to mark five years since peninsula ‘rejoined’ Russia


Russian President Vladimir Putin has arrived in Crimea to mark the fifth anniversary of what Moscow considers the day Ukraine’s Black Sea peninsula became part of Russia.


Ukraine and the West have slammed Russia’s move as an “illegal” annexation, leading to sanctions against Russian individuals and entities.


Putin, on March 18, inaugurated two new power stations in the cities of Sevastopol and Simferopol.


The power stations were partially launched last year, but the March 18 inauguration marked the moment they began working at full capacity.