Detroit hotel rescinds offer for veteran’s ‘We Build the Wall’ town hall after receiving guest list
Kolfage was livid because the snub essentially meant the Detroit Foundation Hotel would only allow Trump supporters to stay if they pay a higher rate than other groups. Instead of the group rate of $186 per person, the hotel wanted $250, a difference of about $1,300 for 20 rooms.
Public backlash from the discrimination eventually forced management at the Detroit Foundation Hotel to come to its senses.
“The Foundation Hotel apologizes that a position that does not reflect our policy was in anyway represented to a potential guest and that an unauthorized decision to rescind a standing offer was made,” the hotel wrote in a prepared statement to WZYZ.
“We have taken necessary steps to resolve the situation. The discount group offer for the party in question is extended.
Threats of a lawsuit can sometimes have a sobering effect on libs.