Anonymous ID: 4317cd March 18, 2019, 11:55 a.m. No.5755856   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Regarding Alex Jones and the Fake Controlled Opposition Right


Q recently created drops about Snowden and the plan to destroy the NSA. I read through the links and articles and read about the Shadow Brokers aka C_A.


A major part of this was going down during the Syria conflict. With the Shadow Brokers threatening Trump not to forget his base by attacking Syria.


I remember back then when it happened that this is a time when Alex Jones was also threatening Trump not betray his base. That going after certain targets in Syria was Trump betraying his base. Many conservative commentators also came out against Trump at that time as well.


At that point it was clear to me that Trump / patriots were targeting Deep State installations in Syria. Not the Syrian people. It was part of the plan to eliminate the deep state in Syria and to ultimately leave and remove our troops from Syria. I knew this at the time, as did many of us. It was obvious with even a little digging. However Alex Jones and apparently the Shadow Brokers decided that was a time to attack trump. I kind of saw the whole thing as a revealing who were actual Patriots and who were controlled opposition.


Looking back it seems as though it was the deep state flexing its muscle demonstrating that the patriot’s worldwide were brainwashed by the deep state controlled opposition. And would leave Trump if they told us to stop supporting Trump. Which did not work thankfully, but there is a splintering.


Before this occurrence last April, I was a big fan of Alex for many years since about 2002. He played a very large roll in waking me up and my learning so I will always thank him for that. But it is what it is. I always excused his belligerence and needing to take credit for everything simply by having a big ego. While not a great trait. No person alive is perfect. I am certainly not perfect. I do my best. I watched the whole attempt to co-opt the Q movement as well.


I just chalked it up to Alex wanting to remain as the top dog, but not with actual negative intent in it. However after the Syrian situation last April, I stopped listening to him. Because, even if there is no negative intent in it. It is still misleading and often times inaccurate. It was not until recently with the Shadow Broker information. Which seemed to work in tandem with Alex and other fake right commentators who revealed themselves at that time.


So if they were not working together directly. They are certainly getting directions from the same source, up the chain of command, somewhere.


We as Patriots and Anon’s need to be very wakeful to the fake right. Right now I see Alex threatening Trump again and trying to make people leave Trump.


We need to stop making excuses for this behavior and recognize it for what it is. A very sophisticated operation to ultimately weaken and destroy the patriots. By splintering us, giving us disinformation, and to lead us to our elimination.


I want to add here. That I think Anonymous may be the same.


I see them using our WWG1WGA slogan and other things. Making us think they are with us. I do not believe they are. I believe they are also C_A. Please other Anon’s provide more info and memes on this type of thing so we can spread the truth around about it.


This kind of attack could be one of the most effective against us. Tearing us apart. Even after we have awakened. It’s not impossible to accidentally follow a new train in a bad direction.